Falling For You

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The scene where Lockwood gives Lucy that necklace seems like such a small deal seems so casual at first since Lockwood just sort of says, "Oh look, found this and thought you might like it nbd- OH LOOK THE TAXI'S HERE!" and then you look back and realize what a big deal it probably was and just.

Which REALLY makes me wonder how Lockwood would act while falling for Lucy since it implies that his method of showing affection will be 1) do a thing 2) underplay it like hell 3) SCARPER 

Like imagine a decade or so down the line he'll walk into the kitchen one morning and be like, "Idk Luce when you look at insurance these days marriage is really a good way to go if you think :/ OH LOOK AT THE TIME WOW BYE!"

"Nailed it,"  he thinks as he walks out the door, while Lucy stands there still pouring tea in an overflowing mug for three minutes trying to process what just happened. 

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