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"Your being a real asshole." Ace growled before letting go of Eyeballs wrist. "Well your being a real cock knocker." Eyeball retorted, poking a finger into aces chest.
   Ace gently pushed him back. "Cmon lets just go home." Ace hissed, once again wrapping his fingers around the brunettes wrist. Ace's patience was running thin. If eyeball didn't give in soon, he was gonna loose it.
     "Fuck off." Eyeball snarled, jerking out of aces grasp.  Ace reeled back before ramming his fist into Eyeballs face. He immeadietly fell to the ground, crumpling into a ball on the assfault.
Ace stood there panting. Staring down at his friend with wide eyes. Had he just done that? He suddenly realized that everyone was staring at him.
It had happend so fast. He didn't mean to hit eyeball. It had just.....happend.
Ace kneeled beside eyeball. The brunette was curled into a tight ball. Ace turned him over to see he was crying. Eyeball scrambled to get up.
He stared daggers into Ace, stumbling foward so there noses were almost touching. "I. Hate. You." Eyeball spat, tears still rolling down his face.
    "Eyeball I."  "Why don't you just leave?!" Eyeball screamed. Ace stepped back, shocked by Eyeballs sudden outburst. "C'mon m."   "I SAID GET OUT!"
   Ace stood there for a moment in pure shock. What the hell had just happend here? Had one night just torn there friendship apart? No, of course not. Eyeball was just drunk. Everything would be fine tomorrow.       Right?
     "Alright." Ace agreed. He began walking to his car. Alone.

Eyeball wears earrings*

Just thought I'd put that out there, thanks;)

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Just thought I'd put that out there, thanks;)

Don't let go:   An EyeballxAce story Where stories live. Discover now