Cosmic Creation

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All of a sudden the Divine Mother emerged from the "Void" as the first quanta of pre-Partiki exhibiting the characteristics of the desire to create and gave birth to the prime concepts of consciousness, space, and primal quantum matter particles; the trait of the frequency of units of consciousness known as Particum that allow physical substances and ideological/artistic concepts to exist.

The Divine Father was next to emerge from the "Void" as the second quanta of the same pre-Partiki exhibiting the characteristics of the intention to create and gave birth to the prime concept of intelligence in the form of mathematics, geometry, templates, and logical reasoning (cause and effect); the trait of the frequency of units of consciousness known as Partika which allowed for the orderly formation of physical substances and the discovery of ideological concepts concocted by Omega.

the Daughter's(The Divine Mother's) Energy factor could only embody the Substance factor of Creation and thus couldn't ascend past the 8th Dimension which is the boundary that separates the Universe of matter from the Parallel Universe of anti-matter.

God-Source perpetually sets manifestation in motion through engaging Its awareness in the process of Vibrational Downstepping, or Thought Formation. Downstepping occurs through contracting the consciousness into a singular point of focus, a "creation intention" or "thought vibration", to create the first individuation of attention- a Stillpoint creation-point. Next the original thought vibration is replicated within the vibration of the first to form the second individuation of consciousness, expanding the first vibration from within itself to create a Static Field of absolute vibrational agreement between the original thought vibration and its replica. To form the Divine Trinity of Eternal Life- Perpetual Motion through which interactive creation is set in motion, the thought vibration replica is then polarized within the expanded original "First Thought", forming two separate thought vibrations, each holding a larger primary part of the original vibration as it initially existed and a smaller secondary part of the original vibration "inverted", or vibrating in direct opposition to the first vibration, its intention reflecting the opposite of the original thought intention. God-Source sets creation in motion through perpetually engaging part of its awareness in Vibrational Downstepping, by which the Cosmic Divine Trinity of Eternal Life creation is formed.

Creation emerges within the Yunasai as designed by God, following a specific Base-12 eternal creation program of mathematical-geometrical inter-relationships of consciousness that is called the Kathara Template Divine Blueprint or the "Kathara Grid". Within the Yunasai ManU Force Field, the EirA and ManA Force Fields each create a Kathara Grid that is formed upon 12 specific points of conscious attention expressed as 12 fixed or "standing" points of vibration. The two 12-point Kathara Grids of the ManA and EirA together form the Base-12/24 Point Cosmic Kathara Divine Blueprint. The word "Kathara" expresses the Divine Intention God Source holds in creation of the Yunasai; Ka = Light Emanation/Expression, Tha = Sound Vibration/ Intention, Ra = ONE-spirit. The ONE spirit of God intending to express AS creation). The EirA Kathara Grid is called the Kristalla (or Christalla), meaning "God Intends". The ManA Kathara Grid is called the Kristos (or Christos), meaning "God Expresses".

Through vibrational interaction of consciousness within the Cosmic Kathara Grid, the Manu, EirA and ManA God Forces of the Yunasai recreate the original creation process of Vibration Downstepping by which the Divine Cosmic Trinity perpetually individuates within the consciousness of God Source. Following the impetus to create as imbued by the original God-Source creation intention, the ManU-EirA-ManA God Forces intertwine a portion of their consciousness and Downstep the vibrations of the Cosmic Kathara Grid three times to form a set of 12 layered points of vibration fixed in a circular organization within the Cosmic Kathara Grid Template, each of which forms a singular Scalar- Standing-Columnar-Wave or "Pillar" of vibration called a Se'-Ur within the Yunasai. The set of 12 Cosmic Se'-Ur standing-waves are called the 12 Reuche Sceptre Pillars, which together form the first scalar-wave-field that becomes the Core God World of creation.

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