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Everything in the Universe is created from the pure light electrons known as the body of God. These electrons make up the atoms of the physical world. The geometrical design and the speed of action around the central core (plus other factors) determines the type of atom and its rate of vibration. Planets, people, animals, plants, trees all emit a certain rate of vibration. The denser the vibration level the lower it is in the light spectrum(Dimensions are just diffrent frequenci.

Unlike Density, Dimensions encompass entire realities and overlap each other. Lower dimensions are contained within higher ones. For instance, the third dimension contains the lower two.

First Dimension - Existence through a point in time and space

Second Dimension - Magnitude (distance or path) in the time and space

Third Dimension - Depth and existence in the physical universe through choices of paths in time and space

Forth Dimension - Time (movement) through time and space in a higher mode of physical existence

Fifth Dimension - Through Love bridges the worlds of Matter and the worlds of Spirit (Release from duality into love and unity)

The understanding that everything in the Universe is energy and that all energy is at different levels of vibration and frequency, indicates that all planets and their inhabitants vibrate at different levels. Planet Earth is a third dimensional planet with forth and fifth dimension activity in progression. Currently the beings on the planet Earth are estimated to be 60 percent in the third dimensional plane, thirty five percent in the forth and five percent in the fifth. The planet Earth is currently going through a dimensional ascension, moving from third to fourth with the goal of being in the fifth. For individuals to shift with the planetary ascension, they must individually focus on raising their vibration / frequency(Harmonics) level. Each dimension has seven planes. As vibration levels are raised the shift in frequency uplifts the person to the higher planes. To fully evolve into the fifth dimension the person must open up to unconditional love, expand his/her inner light quotient, be fully forgiving under all circumstances and not generate negative (harmful) thought patterns.


Dimensions are arranged in base rate wave lengths, the length of the base wave form is changed at every dimensional level.

...in terms of ascension mechanics and the physics of ascension, a dimension is a frequency band. So it's a repeating sequence of flashing on and off Scalar Wave(standing) points that exist within a grid and that grid is called a Morphogenetic Field.

A dimension is a full frequency band of repeating sequences of flashing waves going on and off. That's the particle/anti-particle universe that we are working with, and is what we are actually existing in the same simultaneous space with. So when the reality is flashing on and off, sometimes we can perceive this. ... Dimensions again are fixed groupings of energy within specific geometric arranged forms and are built upon crystallized conscious units of sound and light. And those conscious units of sound and light are called morphogenetic fields or manifestation templates. So from each of these instruction set templates, these manifestation templates, dimensions are composed of stationary points of the vibration of sound and light which together form a fabric of tone and into which smaller morphogenetic fields are woven. From each fixed point of sound vibration and within each dimension of manifestation field, an electrical current of consciousness emerges. There is layer upon layer upon layer of morphogenetic fields and dimensional reality systems.

Dimensions are fixed groupings of energy within specific geometric arranged forms (space and time) and are built upon crystallized conscious units of sound and light called Morphogenetic Fields or manifestation templates of the 12 Tree Grid. Using the instruction sets from Morphogenetic Fields, dimensions are composed of stationary points of the vibration of sound and light, which together form a fabric of tone and into which smaller morphogenetic fields are woven. From each fixed point of sound vibration and within each dimension of manifestation field, an electrical current of Consciousness emerges. There is layer upon layer upon layer of morphogenetic fields and dimensional reality systems. A dimension is a full frequency band: repeating sequences of waves flashing on and off (particle/anti-particle universe) and it's what we're existing in space with.

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