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I've changed so many times
I've put on so many masks
I don't even know who I am anymore

Everything I do is always wrong
Everything I do is never enough
I've made too many mistakes
Maybe I am the huge mistake

I just want to fly
Taste the wind and touch the sky
Run away from this evil world
But I have to stay, here with the devil

Let me sleep until I am dead
Let me rest just a bit
I can't stand more pain, not another time

I can't deal with this shit anymore
I can't handle it
But I act like I can
'Cause I love them and care too much

All my body ' s bleeding
But no one notices that
Probably because I want them not to know

I don't know happiness
I don't know true love
I don't know true friendship
I've never met them

All I know
All I feel now
It's sorrow, it's pain
It's blood and tears and HCl...

All my body ' s bleeding
But no one notices that
Probably because I want them not to know

All my body ' s bleeding
But no one notices that
Probably because I want them not to know

My soul is bleeding
My soul is broken
I've crashed too many times
I broke myself in thousands pieces too many times

I am not ready to face my demons
I am not strong enough to meet the devil tonight
But here we are, it's almost over
Welcome to my life, welcome to my hell.

I am not ready to face my demonsI am not strong enough to meet the devil tonight But here we are, it's almost overWelcome to my life, welcome to my hell

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