rockabye •four

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Serena stared at Ben and he stared back. It was silent besides the chatting of families. Athena, not knowing who Ben is, got Serena's attention.

"Mama, I'm hungry." Ben broke the eye contact and looks at Athena. His heart skipped a beat, looking at the beautiful little girl in front of him. Athena waved shyly at the new person and Ben waved back. Serena quickly took Athena into her arms and walked away.

She speeded off to find Louise. Finally finding Louise by the snack table, Serena grabs her hand.

"We have to go." Serena says hastily.

"Why, what's wrong?" Louise asks.

"I can't do this. I thought I could, I thought I could be brave enough to face people after these few years, but I was wrong. I wanna go home." Serena cried.

Athena saw the tear rolling down her Mama's face and wiped it off. "Don't cry, mama." Athena says softly. She wraps for tiny arms around Serena's neck.

Serena wiped the few tears that escaped her eyes, not wanting her daughter to see them.

"Alright, I'll go find Melody and you stay here. I'll be back quickly." Louise says before going off to do what she said she was to do. Serena held Athena close in her arms. She avoided the looks that old classmates were giving her, some were unkind.

A hand tapped Serena's shoulder. She turned around to see a young boy and the girl with blue hair, along with Dude in his arms.

"Doggy!" Athena shouts, going to pet Dude. The boy stepped forward to let Athena pet him.

"I saw your sister petting him earlier, so I brought him over." The boy explains to Serena. Serena shook her head, but Athena giggled.

"She's not my sister, I don't have a sister. She's my mommy." Athena says, still petting Dude. The boy and girl looked between Serena and Athena but neither didn't leave. The girl was in aww at the sight of Athena.

"She is so adorable." The girl comments. Athena gave her famous smile at the two to show how adorable she really was.

"I'm Carlos." He introduces himself.

"I'm Evie." Serena finally got a good look at them. Carlos had white hair and wore black, white, and red. Evie has blue hair and wore blue with an apple design and apple crystal necklace. She didn't remember them ever being in school with them. Perhaps they're new?

"I'm Serena, this is Athena." Serena introduces back. Athena waved at them before looking at her mom.

"Mama, can I go back with uncle Chad and auntie Ginny?" Athena begged.

"No, sweetheart. We're going to find grandma and grandpa and then we go home." Serena says to Athena. Just in the right time, Serena's parents arrived with Melody. Athena was put down on the ground and played with Dude. Serena hugged her mom.

"Hi, my little starfish." Ariel greets Serena with her nickname. Serena smiled and let's go of her mom. Athena was tossed in the air and caught by Eric, before being tickled.

"Stop it, grandpa." Athena giggled. Eric didn't stop and continued to tickle his granddaughter. Hearing Athena's laughter would melt anyone's heart. Ariel let go of Serena and switched with Eric. She got to hug her granddaughter and Eric hugged Serena.

"We've just arrived when Melody found us." Eric tells Serena. Serena nods and looks at Melody.

"Louise went looking for you."

"I'll be back." Melody tells her parents before going off to find her wife.

"How are my girls?" Eric asks. Athena looked up and gave a thumbs up.

"I got to see auntie Ginny and uncle Chad and a doggy. That doggy!" Athena points to Dude that was in Carlos' arms.

"Maybe I should get you a puppy for your birthday then?" Eric adds.

"Yes!" Athena yells.

"No!" Serena and Ariel at the same time.

"YES!!" Athena yelled loudly, as she throws her arms in the air and chants yes.

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