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"Eunhye-" I looked up from my phone to see Wonwoo standing infront of me "You are needed in the office. Our CEO wants to talk to you." I looked at him with a questioning look, he shrugs and pulls me up so I could stand up. The boys who were near us, heard our conversation and wore a worried look on their faces.

"Oooh Eunhye's in trouble~" Seungkwan teases, I sighed and rolled my eyes at him.
"What did you do this time?" S.Coups ask, shaking his head at Seungkwan before looking at me.

"Nothing, I swear." I honestly said, biting down my lower lip.

"Well you better go now, we wouldn't want a angry CEO marching down here." S.Coups said, pushing her towards the door. I nodded and opened the door walking out towards the CEO's office.

Once I arrived infront of his office, I became more hesitant to open the door. Jumble of question started to form: Am I in trouble? Did I do something wrong?

I snapped out of my thoughts and shakily sighed before twisting the door knob and open the door. I looked inside to see the CEO, writing on a piece of paper. I raised my fist and knocked on the door.

The CEO raises his head up and smiled.
"Eunhye! Just the girl I want to see" He said dropping down the pen.

"Come in! Come in." He said, I smiled and closed the door behind me.

"Take a seat please." He told me which I complied.

He held out a bowl filled with chocolates "Want some?" I shooked my head no and kindly smiled at him.

"Now I called you here right now because I want to inform you about your contract." He said.

"Now I know you're wondering, why are you only signing it right now? It's because the board has been debating about on what should we do with it. Since you're a girl, in a boy group, your contract is quite different from the boys." He told me, showing me the contract.

"When you debut with the boys, you've only 3 years to be in this group before you disband a member of SEVENTEEN." Once he told me this I was in a complete shock. 3 years? 3 freaking years only?

"3 years? What? I don't understand.." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why 3? Why can't I just stay as a member of SEVENTEEN until the group disbands?" I exclaimed.

"Eunhye, you're still young. You can do more than just being a kpop idol. And i'm sure, you wanted this right now but are you really okay with commiting to this life as you grow up. It's a one way trip to being a star." The CEO said.

Do I really want this?

He sighs and looks up "You can also re new your contract again if you really want this." He smiles. I sighed in relief.

"Oh gosh I thought it was the end of my life." I cried. He laughs and handed me a pen and pushed the contract towards me.

"Now, do you accept?" I looked down at the paper and sighed before signing it.

I closed the door behind me making all of the boys turn their heads to my way.

"So what did the CEO said?" Dino ask.
I look at them and smiled "Nothing important." They didn't look convince but nodded anyways and did their own thing.

I walked towards the corner and watch the boys from afar. Thinking about what happen a while ago.

"Eunhye come on stop mopping around and join us!" They said, as they were about to play pass the message. I giggled and stood up before an idea sparkes up. I ran towards my bag and pulled out my camera and walk towards.

"Smile guys!" I grin, and clicked the button.

"What was that for?"
"Oh it's nothing. I just want to capture every moment." I said.
"I want to treasure it like a diamond." I added.

"Aww that's so sweet" They all cooed as I blushed.

"Ok ok LET'S PLAY THE GAME NOW!" I announced.

✓ The 14th Member ↝SEVENTEEN FANFIC ❪BOOK 1❫Where stories live. Discover now