Memories, Mayham, and Mergers

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As Tenten walked throught the maze she notice something right away. The left wall was blue and the right was was red. It seemed no matter where she went the walls would change to remain the same always. That is till she came to a mirror wall. It had been the first one to change and when she came in front of it a mirror formed behind her and one on each side.

Naruto appeared in the 2 mirrors on each side. Tenten felt dizzy like the room moved and one Naruto said "You have invaded our mind, why have you come." together. Tenten didn't know why but she was sure these 2 who looked alike were different.

Tenten said "I have come to help you Naruto."

Both said "That name is not me, I am 2."

Tenten frowned and said "Then show me the real you."

Both said "Currently we are equal in your eyes. One mirror will show you the truth. The other is a lie. You must watch both and destroy the lies or the truth. End the end should you not die first then you will see the true us."

Just then the mirror in front of her showed a woman with red hair sitting in a hospital bed and a nurse came in holding a newborn and the woman said "Take him away. Hes nothing to me." as the nurse stopped and left the room.

Then the mirror behind her showed the same woman with red hair sitting in a hospital bed looking frail and tired and a nurse came in with a newborn in her arms and the woman said "Let me hold my son, one last time please." as the nurse handed the child to the red headed woman who rocked him a moment and kissed his head as she slowly passed away.

Tenten saw the second mirror end and she walked to the first mirror and smashed it and said "Your parents died. I know this from my father."

Both Naruto disappeared and Tenten started to walk again. After walking for what seemed like hours she saw another mirror and like before she it formed around her and this time the one on the right had a set of red cloths while the one on the left had blue cloths.

Neither said a word as a the front mirror showed the Kyuubi dying at the hands of the Yondaime who called for Kakashi to bring him his son so he could say goodbye and the back showed the Kyuubi being sealed into a blond baby and the Yondaime saying sorry son.

Tenten frowned until she remembered what she heard her dad say to jean when she pretended to sleep. She then walked to the front one and destroyed it. Again both disappeared. Tenten started to walk again when she saw 2 huge pheonix's fighting in the sky and she could see jean in the middle of each one and one screamed "hurry Cache, time is running out." as they continued to fight.

Tenten began to run at that time looking for the way through. As she ran she came to a fork in the path, One to the right and one to the left. The Naruto dressed in red appeared and said along with the one in blue but Tenten saw that this time one had throwing cards with aces on them in his hand while the other had dueces on his cards.

They both said "To proceed from here you must solve our riddle. You may ask one question to determine who is telling the truth and who is telling a lie. One of us will speak nothing but truth and one nothing but lie. Only one of these paths leads to safety. Chose the correct path to continue. Now ask your question."

Tenten leaned forward in thought and smirked and said "If you were your oposite, which path would he say leads to safety."

Both said "The right path."

Tenten nods and said "I chose the left then." as she began to run down it but she notice as she ran the walls started to play a childs life.

She watched while runnins as he was attacked and beat and then she watched as he was kidnapped, then experimented on, then feeling abandoned, and then she watched training, school, and then geonosis where his mind snapped.

Naruto of the X-MenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant