Warnings, Waking, and Opposing

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When Naruto awoke he looked around and found himself in his room. He closed his eyes again when he detected a presence in the room and a voice said "Give it up Echo. I know your awake."

Naruto sighed and sat up slowly and stiffly and glared at the person sitting across from him and said "So what are you doing here now Reload."

Reload pulled his chair over and put his feet on the table beside the bed getting a glare from Naruto as he pulled out a deck of cards and started to shuffle them and said "We got to talk. Alone. I got the room in lockdown for the next little bit as well as put a feedback loop in the camera system as well as neural disrupters so Xavier or Pheonix wont be able to spy."

Naruto said "So what do you want. I saw you in my head when Cache was there so I know you have been here before now so..."

Reload passed out the cards and Naruto looked at his 2 cards and Reload flipped one on the deck and said "Ah, the queen of hearts. A perfect card to start our discussion."

Naruto said "Well get on with it."

Reload flipped another card and it was a joker and frowned and said "And a joker would be perfect representation of Apocolypse." as he flipped another card and it was a King of heart and he said "Apocolypse will be coming for the queen of hearts because she is the only one who can bring the king of hearts out and the only one who can stop him is the King. You must ensure he never gets his hands on the queen or its game over. The king must also survive."

Naruto frowned and said "So who is the queen."

Reload flipped another card and it was a queen of diamonds and he said "That is for you to figure out. You should also beware of the queen of diamonds. She wants the King of hearts for herself but she wants to turn him into the king of diamonds to make a flush and she would be willing to use the joker..." as he flipped another card showing another joker "or the other one to get him."

Naruto sighed and said "So your saying that I have 2 woman who are going to be coming after me and apocolypse is after one of them."

Reload looked at Naruto and said "I never said you were the king. I just told you that you would have to save the queen of hearts from the joker. You could either be the king.." as he flipped the last card showing a jack of heart "or a knight. Your decision will be the one who will determine who is the king or if there is even a king of hearts. So what do you have.

Naruto said "straight flush." showing the ace of hearts and 10 of hearts.

Reload nods and said "Beats my full house." as he folds his cards.

Naruto frowns and said "So tentens the queen, isn't she."

Reload said "Perhaps, perhaps not. Only you and time can tell for sure. Just remeber that the jack is expendable, the queen is not because only she can bring forth the king. But if your hand plays out the jack would want to be around also. Good luck." as he got up and left just as the door to his room busted open and Magneto came in and asked "Are you alright." as he had the metal form back to the door.

Naruto looked at the cards with narrowed eyes and said "Yes but we have much to discuss. Call everyone to the War room please Erik. If Cache is here also then bring her along."

Magneto looked around one last time and nods and Naruto gets out of bed still in his pajama pants and he goes to wash up.

20 minutes later Naruto walks into the war room with just a pair of shorts and a wife beater on and Xavier asked "What is it you call a meeting for Naruto."

Naruto walked over to the computer ignoring everyone and he started to type something and said "Sorry for the informalities but I need to make sure of what I believe before I say it so please bare with me."

Naruto of the X-MenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant