2: Revealed

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Please read the story RISING STAR ENTERTAINMENT first before this one. You can find the story on my reading list.

Please prohibit my tardiness. I dont upload that often.

My story, not yours. If you see the flaws, learn to see the beauty in it.

If you are wondering, yes, this is a renewed version of this story so for those of all who read the past storyline, dont mention it to someone else.


"They are a couple!" Jihoon exclaimed. "But still though, why is Namsoon on top of Yeonhee?" Jihoon curiously asked.

Jihoon took a picture of them and sent it to Yeseul.



So they are a real couple?

We dont know yet.

I bet you 200 they are.

NO! I think they are too.

You just scared.


"Namsoon-oppa. AAAHHHH oh my god that is so cute." Jihoon exclaimed

"Yah, oppa?" Yeonhee said as she woke up. Jihoon quickly hid next to the room.

"Oppa!" Yeonhee exclaimed. "너?" Namsoon said in a sleepy tone. "Get off." Yeonhee said

"No." Namsoon disagreed. Yeonhee rolled her eyes off. She continued to sleep and let it all go.
(AN: LET IT GOOOOOOOO sorry cant help it.)

"They are so cute. But still though, that position gives me chills." Jihoon said. He went outside the dorm and into the Kitchen.

"Yah, Yeonhee-씨" Namsoon said. "너?" Yeonhee replied. "Don't wake up. It's comfy." Namsoon said. Yeonhee giggled.

She decided to sit up the bed while still hugging Namsoon. "Yah. I said don't wake up." Namsoon said.

Yeonhee ignored him and lifted him up. "Where are we going?" Namsoon said. "Out of the room." Yeonhee said. "To where?" Namsoon asked.

"God you're so heavy." Yeonhee said. They both giggled. Namsoon hugged Yeonhee even tighter and wrapped his arms around Yeonhee's neck. Yeonhee ran round and round and Namsoon got dizzy. "Yah! Yeonhee-씨! KEUMANHE!" Namsoon shouted.

Yeonhee stopped and laid Namsoon down the couch. "Ah! I'm so dizzy. YAH! Yeonhee-씨!" Namsoon shouted as he hit Yeonhee.

"Why? Oh I did nothing wrong." Yeonhee giggled. "Really? Why did you do that?" Namsoon got frustrated.

"Nothing. You look cute when you're all red." Yeonhee said. Namsoon didn't even respond because if his dizziness.

"And also revenge for what you did to my leg." Yeonhee said. Namsoon glared at her. "But you're all better now." Namsoon continued.

UNITE: Yeonhee and NamsoonWhere stories live. Discover now