3: New Hair, New Choreographer

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Please read the story RISING STAR ENTERTAINMENT first before this one. You can find the story on my reading list.

Please prohibit my tardiness. I dont upload that often.

My story, not yours. If you see the flaws, learn to see the beauty in it.

If you are wondering, yes, this is a renewed version of this story so for those of all who read the past storyline, dont mention it to someone else.


"Lee Taesoon?" Yeonhee said

"So you don't call me Bailey anymore?" Taesoon said. "Oh right, Bailey." Yeonhee said, emphasising on the word Bailey.

"Who is he?" Namsoon questionably said. "Oh, Bailey, my boyfriend, Namsoon." Yeonhee said

"Yang Namsoon, 23 years old and Yeonhee is my property and only mine forever so don't cross over the line."

"What? Oh, Yeonhee is my bestfriend." Bailey said. "REALLY?" Namsoon exclaimed. "Yah! Oppa! Stop humiliating us." Yeonhee said. Namsoon shrugged.

"Can I join you guys?" Bailey asked. "Sure!" Yeseul said. "Here, sit beside me." Jihoon said. Bailey sat down beside Jihoon, which is in front of Namsoon.

Namsoon glared at him the whole meal. Bailey was just there sitting and chatting with the group.

So, how did you guys become bestfriends?" Namsoon curiously said.

"Well, we were first roommates at college. Bailey was the best roommate ever. He did the dishes, took out the trash, and is pretty fun to talk to." Yeonhee said.

"We became really close after she came to me because she had a tiny crisis." Bailey said.

"What was it?" Namsoon asked. "Her oh so very lovely ex-boyfriend broke up with her because she didn't let her copy at the exam." Bailey said.

Namsoon literally choked on the food he was eating. "And guess how he told her. Through paper message while they were taking the second exam." Bailey said.

"Yah! Stop exposing my past!" Yeonhee said. Jihoon and Yeseul just laughed about it.

A few minutes later, "Here are your soju." The waiter said. "How about an one night soju?" Namsoon said to Bailey. "Oh it's on." Bailey said.

They took the first shots, nothing has happened. A few minutes later, They took the second shots, they were still stable.

Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh.

"Yah! Taesoon-씨!" Namsoon shouted. "너, Oppa?" Bailey said. They both laughed extremely hard. Jihoon, Yeseul, and Yeonhee just straed at them.

"Oppa! Do you want to come home?" Bailey said. "Oppa! 너! 너! Saranghae oppa!" Namsoon shouted. Jihoon started bursting his laugh out.

"Yah, Oppa! Let's go back to the dorm." Yeonhee said. "너? Who is this, beautiful and sexy lady right here?" Namsoon said.

"She's your girlfriend." Yeseul said. "Woh! Here that? That sexy lady is my girlfriend!" Namsoon said.

"How sad! I was supposed to be her boyfriend you know?" Bailey said. Jihoon and Yeseul's eyes widened.

UNITE: Yeonhee and NamsoonWhere stories live. Discover now