Chapter 8

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The weekend passed with Nuria staying locked in her room, not talking to anyone. All she did was cry and sleep feeling broken hearted. Come Monday morning she climbed out of bed knowing she could no longer stay locked up, hiding. Getting out of bed she went to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror she grimaced. She couldn't believe how much of a wreck she was. She looked absolutely horrible with dark circles and bags under her eyes. With a heavy sigh she went to take a bath.

Sinking down into the hot water she closed her eyes and started thinking about the date on Friday. She replayed her and Remus' conversation over and over and over.

I'm a werewolf. I'm a werewolf. I'm a werewolf. I'm...

Nuria snapped her eyes open and shook her head. Letting that one sentence play on repeat was not helping her get her thoughts and feelings together. She needed to focus on what this meant for her, for them, for their relationship. Did she continue being with him knowing they could never have children because of his fears? Did she stay with him and convince him that just because he became a mindless monster once a month didn't mean he was a bad person? Or did she end things now, cut her losses and keep the good memories they had?

Rowena laid on the edge of the tub, running her paw back and forth through the water. She was wanting to be a comforting presence for her master. Someone for her to talk to as she really had no one else.

"What am I supposed to do Roe? He's a werewolf. He kept it from me for weeks. After I told him everything about me, he still didn't tell me. And all that about not being able to have kids?" She covered her face and screamed trying to let out her emotions. "I want kids. I always have. But I love Remus and he's so good to me. Tell me what to do." She looked at her feline friend hoping the cat could help her.

A chirp left the cat and she head butted Nuria's shoulder. She thought her master should talk to Remus. Despite what Remus was he seriously cared about Nuria and did his best to take care of her and make her happy. That was reason enough to overlook his furry problem as far as Rowena was concerned.

"Maybe you're right. I just don't know if I'm ready to. I want answers, but I don't think I can handle them." Nuria finished her bath and got ready to go to the great hall. As much as she wanted to hide in her room all day and not face Remus or anyone else for that matter she had to be an adult. She had a job and she couldn't hide away like a child any longer.

"If It isn't the fat crying cow. Did your date not go so well? Did professor scaredy cat dump you? Not that I could blame him. Just look at you," Malfoy had managed to corner her just as she walked out of her room.

"I'm your professor show me some respect. And 30 points from Slytherin. Keep pushing and I'll give you detention. I'm not in the mood to deal with your attitude today Draco." Nuria sounded done.  There was no heat to her voice at all. It was like she was going through the motions.

Draco raised a brow and smirked. "Ah he did dump you. You sound so broken. It's obvious he left you. Of course why wouldn't he? You're a fat, filthy, mudblood. No one is ever going to really want you."

"That is enough Mr. Malfoy. I suggest you get to breakfast and leave Professor Jones alone," Remus said. He had come to see her, try to talk about what happened the day before. He needed her to realize that he really did care for her, that he was falling for her like she had fallen for him. As much as he knew it was selfish to be with her because of what he was he couldn't stand the thought of letting her go. She was everything he could ever want in a woman; she was beautiful, kind, caring, loyal. He didn't want to lose that. To lose the connection that they had.

Draco glared at Remus, but took off toward the great hall. He wasn't going to risk getting detention or anymore points deducted.

Nuria stared at Remus. The moment he had shown up she felt butterflies. She had a strong urge to reach out for him, to hug him, to kiss him. Being in his presence made her feel drawn to him like a moth to a flame. It was difficult for her to not give into her heart's desire. But she forced her feet not to move. "Thank you for coming to my rescue. You always seem to be there when I need you."

"And I always will be Nuria. Even if you decide to end things between us, which I hope you don't. I will be there for you. I was serious when I said I care about you." Remus shoved his hands in his pockets to keep from reaching out for her. He didn't want to push her or overstep his boundaries. He wasn't sure if he would be able to keep himself from kissing her if he took her in his arms.

"What are you doing here?" Nuria nervously shifted from one foot to another. She hadn't intended to blurt that out. In fact she had wanted to say sorry for running out on him the day before. Yet instead she asked why he was there, like him coming to see her was a surprise. It really shouldn't have been. She had known that he was going to talk to her. It was inevitable after the way their last conversation had ended.

Remus sighed and took a slow step toward her. "I wanted a chance to explain, to talk about everything. I want to be with you and I'm hoping you still want to be with me. Are you willing to listen to what I have to say?" He sounded dejected; like it hurt him to have to keep his distance from her. Even though it had only been a couple of days it had felt like weeks since she was in his arms, laughing with him and talking, relaxing as they read together, making passionate love. He wanted that back.

Nuria thought it over. She missed him, she wanted to try and fix things. This could very well be her chance to get everything out in the open and figure out exactly how she felt about him being a werewolf, his feelings on not having kids, and if they could work things out. "Of course. Come in." She turned and opened the door going back inside so that they could talk.

"First of all I want to say I'm sorry for the way I sprung that on you. I should have told you the truth from the beginning. It wasn't right for me to keep that I'm a werewolf from you. You had a right to know that I'm not entirely human, that I change into a beast that is mindless and would kill their best friend. You deserve better than that, better than me."

Nuria listened to him intently and nodded her head. "You're right. I did deserve better."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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