Chapter 7

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Olivia strolled into the Room of Requirement and looked at the assembled group that make up Dumbledore's Army. "Glad to see all of you could find this place all right," Harry said at Olivia and the rest of the group.

"Hey, Harry, what is all this stuff?" Scattered around the room were many devices such as Dark Detectors and Sneakascopes. 

"Loads of Defense Against the Dark Arts equipment. Hopefully we'll be able to get all of it before the end of terms." Harry started to pace in front of them. Olivia made her way to the back wall. 

"You need to understand something before we start, though. Defending yourself from the Dark Arts has less to do with magical ability and more to do with thinking fast and a lot of luck." Harry paused and looked for his younger sister. She was sitting in the back, her eyes were red. Her hair never changed any more, it was always black. 

"We'll be doing Expelliarmus tonight, though hopefully we can move onto other things of we have time." Draco walked over to Olivia and sat with her. She leaned her head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"Oh please. Professor Lockhart taught us that in second year," Zacharias said and Olivia snorted quietly so only Draco could hear. 

"Lockhart didn't teach as much as prune himself." Olivia wished she had said, but her mouth never opened for the words to exit.

"Besides, it works. I used it against You-Know-Who last June. It saved my life." Zacharias fell silent as Olivia took a deep breath. She felt the pit in her stomach lessened. "Right. Well, let's split into pairs and give it a go." 

Harry walked among the students amid shouts of Expelliarmus, checking everyone's progress. He reach Neville and Ron, who were practicing together. "Expelliarmus!" 

Ron's wand flipped out of his hand and across the room. "Well done, Neville!" Olivia jumped and her heart started to pound in her chest. "Look here, you lot! Neville's really got the hang of this one." He turned back to the two. "Go ahead again." 

Fred tossed Ron's wand to him and Neville twirls his around. "Expelliarmus!" Olivia wanted to go back to her room. She didn't like all the noise, it made her anxiety worse.

"I'm right here love." Draco whispered in her ear as he pulled her back to him. 

"I did it! I did it!" Harry clapped him in the shoulder and looked back to his sister. 

"Never forget this spell, Neville. It could save your life some day." He moved to the front of the room again. Olivia took a deep breath and some color invaded her hair. 

Harry mouth dropped and he quickly shut it. "Okay, everyone. We've done a lot of today, and I've seen some great improvements. That's it for now. We'll meet back here, some time next week!" 

Olivia sighed and gave her forbidden boyfriend a kiss on the cheek, before racing out of the room. Her chest convoluting with sobs. Draco's heart dropped, the bubbly girl he once knew was gone. 

Harry wanted to follow the hurting girl, but his own inner pain kept him from it. So he went to bed. 

Olivia found herself outside in the moon light. Her body fell to the ground as she cried. No sound came out of her mouth as sob racked her body. 

The pain inside was almost to much, her body was slowly wasting away. She hadn't eaten in weeks, her wrists bleed everyday. She didn't know how she was still alive. 

Olivia curled into a ball and wished for death, she wished she could just leave this world. 


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