Chapter 10

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Harry, Ron, and Olivia stood in top of the Astronomy tower, peering through telescopes into the night sky. 

Olivia took her eyes off the sky and looked over the edge, Harry looked at her with fear in his eyes. She looked over to him and slid her hand in his, trying to ease his mind. 

Olivia had already finished her exam and could totally head to bed, but she loved looking up at the stars. So she stayed out there, the exam was almost over to begin with. 

Harry's telescope was propped on a parapet and he was leaning over it slightly. Below him, the doors to the Great Hall groaned open.

Golden light spilled into the night and six shadows moved forwards into the darkness.

Harry, Olivia, and Ron watched. "Oy! That's Umbridge down there!" Several other students began to watch the proceedings taking place down below.

Harry and Olivia looked panicked. "They're heading for Hagrid's!" Ron and Harry exchanged a nervous glance. Olivia felt like another pit opened up in her stomach.

"Eyes back on the sky, please." The students ignored the Professor. The six shadows approached the hut, silhouetted against the windows of it. They open the doors and it closed.

"Twenty minutes left on your exam, students." Shadows paced past the window to Hagrid's hut. Raised voices reached them.

Then a sharp bang was heard along with a flash on blinding light from within the cabin.

The door bursted open and Hagrid stumbled out, clutching at his waist, followed by the other six. The six shadows fire stunning spells at Hagrid.

Olivia's eyes widened and hissed before running off. 

"Olivia! No!" Harry reached out to grab her, but missed, so they went to follow. But they were held back.

The red-colored spells simply impacted with Hagrid and bounced off of him. Olivia heard Hagrid yell something, but she couldn't make it out.

Fang lept from the open door onto Hawlish, knocking the man over. Fang bound over to Hagrid and left inferno of him, taking a hex full in the chest and fell to the ground with a whine.

Hagrid roared in rage and seized the one responsible and hurled him ten feet through the air. The man landed hard and didn't move.

Professor McGonagall stormed through the doors of the Great Hall and out into the night. Fury written across her face. Olivia, in her Lynx form, ran in front of her.


Ron pointed to McGonagall. "Look!" Harry smiled at it. "McGonagall'll sort this out!" But his smile soon faded when he saw Olivia running along side of McGonagall. 


She marched towards them. Her face was illuminated every few moments by the red light of spells being fired. "How dare you! How DARE you!" She broke into a run. "Stop this immediately!" The firing continued.

Olivia growled at them. "Enough!" McGonagall drew her wand in a swift moment. Instantly, four of the attackers turned to her and fired their spells.

Olivia changed back to her human form and tried to push McGonagall away, they both took two spell to the chest.

McGonagall was briefly illuminated in blood-red light and then was lifted from her feet fan hurled hurled backwards five feet to slam into the ground.

Olivia fell back and held her chest in pain. She wheezed as Snape ran over to the fallen professor before seeing her. 

Olivia rolled over onto her stomach as she tried to get some air into her lungs. Snape immediately ran over to her. Her chest heaved but no air filled her lungs. "Olivia!"  

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