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Meredith quickly sat up in her bed. She had just had the best dream ever. She had found the perfect guy who made her feel everything you could possibly feel, and boy was he good in bed. Like “really” good. But realising that it was only a dream stung and hurt terribly, because although it was just a dream, she had feelings for him. Derek…

Meredith sighed and dropped back down to her pillows. She smiled at the memory and wriggled around to get comfortable. But as she did so, she heard a moan and someone else moved in her bed. Meredith quickly turned on her side and came face to face with the sleeping face of her dream man. But he wasn’t a dream; they really had slept together. Meredith quickly lifted up the dona that was covering her and dropped it back down again. She had just slept and spent the night with a man she didn’t even know. But as she looked back over at him, she almost wanted to wake him up and start back at where they had left off last night. But she didn’t need to because he must have sensed that she was staring at him, because he opened his eyes and smiled at her groggily. Meredith couldn’t help back smile back at him and then he was suddenly on top of her and his lips were back on hers. Meredith didn’t even stiffen and she quickly kissed him back.

                                                                             * * * * *

Meredith sighed as she untangled herself from the gorgeous man who happened to be quite naked in her bed. Now he was asleep, and that gave her time to shower and dress. She smiled to herself as she stepped around the forgotten clothes that had been tossed aside when they had started last night. Meredith looked back at Derek for a moment before she left her room and ran to the bathroom across the hall.

Meredith pulled her damp hair back from her shoulders as she straightened her ratty-old Dartmouth shirt and opened the bathroom door, she considered heading towards the kitchen downstairs, where she presumed Cristina was, but she decided that she wanted to see if Derek was awake. She smiled softly as she headed towards her bedroom, but stopped with her hand on the door handle. Derek's voice was coming from behind the closed door, and he sounded distressed. Meredith was about to turn and walk to the kitchen, guilty about listening in on his private conversation, when she heard Derek say something that made her stop and listen.

"No, Addison, I'm not coming back. You slept with Mark, of all the people you could have slept with, you chose Mark. My own wife slept with my best friend." Derek all but yelled as Meredith sucked in a breath. He was married, or he was married. No wonder he had looked so upset the night before. Meredith stared at the door for a moment, contemplating moving.

"No!" Derek said harshly, obviously cutting the other person off. "I've moved on, I'm not coming back to New York. I'm staying put, away from you and Mark, so don't bother trying to find me."

Meredith turned and started to walk away then, and she had reached the stairs just as her bedroom door opened. Meredith stopped on the top step and turned to look at Derek, with a smile ready for him.

"You're awake." She said, hiding the fact that she had just listened in on his conversation. Derek nodded, and Meredith noticed as he came closer, that the sparkle had left his blue eyes again. Meredith smiled gently at him. "If you want to take a shower, the bathroom is just across from my room."

Derek nodded as he placed a gentle hand on her arm and lent forward and kissed her on the cheek.

"Thank you, Meredith." He said as he pulled back and ventured off towards the bathroom. Meredith raised her hand and placed it on her cheek, and she smiled dazedly off after him. She shook her head as the bathroom door closed, and she turned back again and continued down the stairs. Cristina looked up from where she sat at the kitchen table as Meredith walked.

"Morning, Mer. Have fun last night?" Cristina asked with a grin as Meredith walked over to the coffee pot.

"What do you mean?" Meredith asked as Cristina's grin widened.

"I saw you come home last night. He was rather good looking, not to mention how drunk the two of you looked." Cristina said as Meredith sat down beside her, a fresh cup of coffee in her hand.

"He looked as depressed as i did." Meredith said, sipping her coffee as she looked at her best friend. "Do you think i should be starting a new relationship this close to starting at Seattle Grace?"

"Like i should care, its your life. It doesn't matter who you screw, just as long as he doesn't hurt you, or he'll have me to answer to." Cristina said as she got up from her chair.

"Where are you off to?" Meredith asked as she looked back at her cup.

"I'm meeting up with that guy that i met at the bar yesterday, you know the one with the red hair and blue eyes, the one i didn't screw." Cristina said with a grin as she whacked Meredith on the shoulder. Meredith grinned back at her as she swung to whack her back, but Cristina jumped out of her range with a laugh and ran from the room.

"Don't do anything i wouldn't do!" Meredith yelled after her.

"Like what?!" Cristina yelled back as she ran out the door. Meredith smiled as she drained the rest of her coffee and got up from her chair. She wished her life was as easy as Cristina's. Cristina didn't have to move here because her mother had Alzheimer's, she moved here because Meredith had. Meredith sighed as she left her cup on the sink and went back upstairs to her room. She hadn't been there long before she heard the door open and then moments later she felt strong arms wind around her waist. Meredith turned to smile at Derek, and she noticed that the the sparkle was back.

"I love your eyes." She said before she actually understood what she had said. She quickly closed her mouth but Derek grinned.

"And i love the smell of your hair." Derek said as Meredith blushed. She also loved his smile, but she didn't let that one slip. "It smells like some sort of flower."

"Lavender." Meredith replied as Derek smiled again and leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. She felt him nuzzle his nose in her hair and she couldn't help but smile.

"My friend heard us last night." Meredith said as she enjoyed the feeling of being held. Derek laughed gently, back it vibrated through Meredith. She groaned quietly.

"I'm not surprised, we were a bit loud. What i am surprised about is why she didn't bang on the door and tell us to shut up." Derek replied as he kissed her hair. Meredith smiled.

"She's sort of used to it."

"Used to it, how could she possibly- oh." Derek said, coming to the realisation that Cristina was really used to it.

"Yeah, but I'm not explaining. I only met you last night." Meredith said as she turned in his grip so that she could look at him. Derek smiled, his eyes still bright as they stared into Meredith's light green ones.

"Oh, really? Despite the fact that you took advantage of me last night. I mean, i was drunk and good looking. And i was wearing my favourite red shirt. Who wouldn't want to take advantage." Derek said with a flirty smile. Meredith whacked him on the arm with a laugh.

"You were the one that took advantage of me, and you aren't that good looking. And you were the one who took advantage of me this morning." Meredith said with mock criticism.

"I don't recall there be any unwilling participants." Derek replied with a seductive smile.

“That's because its too hard to say no you and your manly wiles.” Meredith replied with a laugh. Next thing she knew, Derek had her on the bed and was tickling her.

“No, no stop!” She managed to get out between giggles. Derek moved hands away from her sides, but stayed on top of her. “Well someone's happy.”

Meredith could clearly feel something poking her in the stomach.

“Now, why don't you let me help you with that.”

                                                                             * * * * *

An hour later, after she and Derek had fallen asleep, Meredith sat up and smiled down at the raven-haired man, who still had a smile on his face. Meredith smiled gently as she carefully got out of bed and pulled her clothes back on and headed out of her room.

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