How can you love a freak like me? (F/A/S)

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This has smut in it! It's my first smut so please, don't hate on it too much.

I sniffled as I sat in my room, crying softly. I suddenly hear a knock on my door, making my head snap up.

"W-.. Who is it?" I ask, my voice shaky.

"It's Masky. Can I come in?"

"Go ahead..." The door creaks open and Timothy peers through.

"Toby? Hey, whats wrong?" He asks, entering the room and shutting the door softly behind him. He comes up to me and kneels in front of me. I let out a soft whimper. He hugs me gently. I lean into his touch. Then I remembered something...

He could never love a freak like me.

My eyes widen slightly. I was right. Masky would never love anybody as annoying as me... I continue to whimper and sob softly, though now into the older males chest. He pets my unruly hair, calming me down slightly.

"What's wrong Tobes?" He asks. His voice was soft and gentle.

"Y-You'd probably hate m-me if I told you...." I whisper. My voice was hoarse. Probably from the crying. He looks down at me, then stands up. I stand up as well.

"Please?" He asks.

"I-I-I-" I stutter, starting to get even more flustered and nervous by the second. I look away, suddenly keeping shut.

"Hey, Tobes.." Masky gently makes me look at him. He had taken his mask off, so I had the chance to stare into his eyes. Those beautiful chocolate brown eyes I adored so much... I avert my gaze.

"Toby, please.." I gulp.

Then, ever so quietly I whisper, "I love you..." When I got no reply, I knew I fucked up. He was gonna call me a freak and leave...

What he actually did surprised me.

He smiled at me, leaning down slightly and connecting our lips into a gentle and passionate kiss. My eyes widen, but eventually I kissed back shyly, never wanting this moment to end. When he pulls away, I already miss his lips against mine.

"I love you too, Tobias.." He mutters softly, blushing greatly. I nearly squealed with happiness, but refrained myself and instead hugged him tightly, nuzzling into his neck gently. He smiles, though I can't see. He wraps his arms around me gently.

A week later..

I sat in my room, sobbing quietly.

"Shut u-up.. Please.." I beg. But they didn't stop.


He's playing with you! He only acts like he loves you...


I was silent, suddenly standing up and staring at myself in the mirror. My brown hair was messier than usual (if that was possible), dark bags circled under my eyes, my twitches a bit more noticeable due to the coffee I've been drinking. My clothes were baggy against my small frame, almost clinging to me. I look away. I then grab a dear old friend of mine.

My precious pocket knife.

It was stained with blood already from other wounds I've inflicted on myself. I pull up my sleeve. Cuts littered my arm all the way to my upper arm. I look at the knife then bring it to my cut skin. I dig the knife into my arm. Blood started to gently seep from the small wound. I drag the blade across, cutting my arm and more blood seeping from the wound. I hear my door open.


"Tobes?" It was Masky.

"Where are you?" His footsteps get close to the bathroom, which I forgot to lock I may add. The door opens. I stood frozen in place, eyes widened in fear.

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