Don't listen to the voices (A/F)

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That pic is on fleeeek! Lol.

Anyways, onto the oneshot XD

Ima be nice and put warnings.

Self harm
Attempted suicide
And probably lots of sadness...


Toby's POV

"Shut up, s-shut up, shut the fuck up.." I mutter softly. They wouldn't stop. No matter how much I begged, fuck even pleaded, they wouldn't shut up.

You are a worthless freak.

Timothy despises you.

You deserve to die.

You damn twitch!

Everybody here despises you!!

"Please." I sob. "S-Stop.."

Your father said it himself. You. Are. A. Monster.

"Stop it, stop it, s-stop it!" I can't fucking take this! I stand up, quickly walking into my bathroom. I grab my pocket knife. I take off my hoodie. Scars littered all across my skin. I grit my teeth together.

Oh? What's the little disgusting freak doing now?

I grab my knife I kept hidden in my room. I switch the blade outwards. I lower it, but stop. What would the others think? What would Clocky think?





What would Masky think...?



I flinch. I lower the knife. It digs into my skin, blood starting to pour and drip down my bloody wrist. I slowly drag the cold blade across, making me shiver slightly. The crimson liquid drips from my wrist onto the tiled floor. I lift the knife, only to place it an inch up from the first fresh cut.

For minutes this went on, me cutting myself, sometimes tracing former scars made on my pale skin. I let a small smile take over my lips. I didn't have my mouth guard on, nor did I my goggles. So I was able to see how much of a mess I was..

My hair was tousled and sticking up in every which way.

Dark bags circled under my eyes from a lack of sleep.

My skin was a pale, almost sick grey. Not as grey as EJ's, though.

My twitches were more noticeable.

My clothes barely fit me anymore because I haven't eaten anything for the past two weeks.

My brown eyes lost all their shine, even if said shine was fake.

My lips were curled into a crooked yet crazed smile, almost as if I were enjoying this... This pain. This suffering. This hell of a life.

I look at my arm. Blood poured from the cuts, dripping from my arm.

I switch the knife and started to cut my other arm as blood dripped onto the white tiled floor. I started feeling lightheaded. I look at the mirror.

My reflection stared back.

Then, all my small bit of sanity I had left just.. Snapped.

I started to giggle quietly, laughing at myself for being such a fool. No, cutting wasn't the right way.

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