Hell no part 2

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Ah the weague of willains. A fairly well known group of villain alliance. Tamaki then thought to himself about how he should've stayed in bed.

From the outside of the school which was always targeted for overly ambitious reasons stood the almost meteorological leader. Which need I say more?

"Tomuwa Shigawaki" said All Might
"OwO long time nu see" responded Tomuwa
"🤠 y'all need to cover" All Might evaluated with no thought process towards the children.

Perhaps Tamaki should've vored the sun. Or at least stayed in bed. Oh gracious god then the rest of the league showed up.

Dabwi and Togwa (the most relevant in this matter) emerged from the black nearly blinding matter that was Kuowogiri.

"UwU hi babe" stated Dabwi looking at Tomuwa
"Oh god...my one weakness" exclaimed All Might

Tamaki vores the sun {finished}Where stories live. Discover now