Chapter 1

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Disclaimer, I don't own Harry Potter!


Hermione Granger was sitting at a small desk in the Gryffindor common room, working on her potions essay that Professor Snape had assigned. She looked over at her two friends Ron and Harry, who seemed to be entertaining themselves with a game of Exploding Snap.

"Harry, you better not win again!" Ron cried.

"Let's face it Ron," Harry said, "You may be good at wizard chess, but I am amazing at Exploding Snap!"

Hermione chuckled at their argument and went back to writing her potions essay that she was just about finished with.

A little while later her other friend, Ginny Weasley, entered the common room with a love-struck look on her face. Ginny walked to Hermione who put down her quill.

"Who is it now Ginny?" Hermione asked with a smirk.

Ginny looked around, "I can't say here, upstairs now!" she grabbed Hermione's hand a dragged her upstairs to the girl's dorm room, and they each sat across from each other.

Ginny clapped her hands together, "Okay so I don't know why, but I sort of fancy Harry."

Hermione gasped, "Really! You guys would make a cute couple." she began to look around the room, her eyes told Ginny something.

Ginny chuckled and gave her a small grin.



"Who do you fancy?" asked Ginny, crossing her arms with a big smirk on her face.

Hermione looked at her while biting her lip, "Not anyone at the moment."

Ginny frowned, "Oh come on Hermione! There has to be someone you like! I mean, more than half the teens at Hogwarts are dating."

Hermione sighed, "Ginny I told you, I don't like anyone right now! Once I do I'll tell you okay."

"Fine." Ginny said rolling her eyes.


It was pretty much dinner time so the trio, and Ginny, walked together down to the Great Hall for supper. It wasn't really the "perfect" dinner according to Hermione. All her friends talked about was the wizarding sport Quidditch.


Ron jumped frantically and turned around. There she stood. Hermione Granger's arch enemy, Lavender Brown.

"I heard you have a Quidditch match tomorrow Ron," Lavender tapped the top of Ron's head, "Good luck!"

She skipped off to the other far end of the table and sat next to Parvati and Cho.

"I don't get it!" Ron said trying to fix his messy hair, "Why is she always near me?"

Hermione grew really tense that she wanted to explode. She knew what Lavender was trying to do, she was trying to be Ron's girlfriend! Well that was NOT going to happen.

"Hermione are you okay?" Ron asked.

Hermione woke up from her thoughts, "Oh, yes! I-I'm fine. Uh, well I need to do the rest of my homework, see you guys!"

And just like that, Hermione Granger was out of the room.


I hope you guys like my story, there is definitely more to come! Please give me feedback!

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