Chapter 2

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Connie! I turned my head in the direct of my name being called. There were so many people the backyard was packed. Everyone having a good time, my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. The alphas had what most would considered a mansion. Their backyard was very large, bigger than my own. It fit a deck with a built in BBQ pit and a table large big enough to fit about 40 people. Taking the few steps down you hit the grass part of the backyard and that's were the tables were set up next to the make shift dance floor. The decorations were subtle but fancy in every way. White chairs and tables lined with black linen. Silver balloons encircled the dance floor. The buffet was between the dancefloor and the tables. Decorations, tasty food, and fun music made for a great party and our alpha female knew how to throw a party. There even were a few games set up and a make shift photo booth. Eyeing the face painter, I made a note to check that out later.

Connie! Turning once again to search out who was calling me I saw my older sister. Irish twins, we were 16 months apart and Carol was what I would consider my twin. Strangers couldn't tell us apart. She was a few centimeters taller than my 5'10 her hair was the same platinum blond as mine. I felt her eyes were a lighter blue than mine, but most couldn't tell a difference. Turning I walked towards her and into her embrace. How's my little baby momma doing today? Laughing, I shook my head at her, "Carol I'm 18 in not sure how little you think I am." Snorting she hushes me. "I still the older sister," she replies nose in the air in mock indignation. A few minutes pass before we are gasping for air holding our sides laughing.

"Have you seen Andrew yet Connie?",

"Not yet. Have you?", She shakes her head no. After chatting with her for a bit I went in search of Andrew. My nerves were starting to get the best of me and I needed him to lean on. He always gave me strength in times I felt weak. Moving through the party goers I finally spot him. He stood with our parents and with what looked to be the alpha's and betas of the visiting pack and a strange girl. The hair on the back of mg neck stood up and a feeling deep in my gut told me something was wrong. He told me we would tell everyone together....I hope he hasn't spilled the beans. Taking a deep breath, I wiped my sweaty heads on my dress and squared my shoulders. I started walking forward and I approached the group.

Walking up I greeted everyone but from the tense vibes I was getting something was very wrong. Something was off. After I greeted everyone, starting with my alphas, I went to stand next to Andrew. Everyone was facing us in a half circle.

"Connie, I'd like you to meet the alphas of the River pack Mr. and Mrs. Hafen, their betas Mr. and Mrs. Gunn and their daughter Delaine." I could feel aggression coming off delaine in waves something wasn't right. I smile and say, "it was nice to meet them." Alpha Hafen asked what my relationship was to alpha Druagin. He explained that I was Andrews fiancé and am pregnant with his child. This seems to upset the alpha for whatever reason. Trying to not stress I turn to Andrew hoping he could clue me in. As I turn I freeze, Delaines face had morphed into one of pure rage. She shook visibly, and a snarl escape her lips. Frowning, I took a step back placing a hand over my belly. I felt very protective of my unborn child and this she wolf was giving off all kinds of warning signs.

I nervously demanded to know what was going on. Alpha Hafen starts to explain the situation. Delaine was Andrews true mate and that he would not be able to marry me, and he would make sure of it. Air. I felt like I couldn't get enough air in, I turned to Andrew and demanded he tell me this wasn't true.

Angrily grabbing my hands, he turned me to him, "Connie, baby, it does not matter I want you and only you." What happened next was just one big blur. He bent to give me and kiss and said, "he would never leave me."

Looking up into his mossy green eyes I stared at the man I had given everything I had to give. 6'2 athletic build shaggy hair in need of a cut he was growing out of his boyish charm into a well-groomed young man. Anyone would be happy to have him; best of his class, star football player, always wanting to help out and volunteer. I didn't know what to say or do. I turned back to the group and I could see the disdain on the other packs faces.

"Delaine has a right to fight you for her spot as his alpha female." My mother exploded, "are you crazy she pregnant she will not be fighting anyone!" My alpha attempted to reason with him. He threatened to get the council involved and said that they would agree with him because the laws hadn't included anything about having to wait to fight a pregnant she-wolf. He refused to believe my unplanned teenage pregnancy should be given any time to finish. They wanted to kill my baby. Oh, my, god! My parents along with Andrew blocked me from view of the almost rabid Delaine, watching me like a hawk waiting for an opening.

The party had all but ended everyone was silent witnessing this horror unfold. Delaine shoved my mom out of the way while another she-wolf from her pack shifted and came after me. I couldn't shift, I tried to run but was pinned down. Delaine shifted, and the other female moved out the way. The piercing pain of her biting down onto me am was unimaginable.

I tried my best to fight back but I couldn't. I tried to get away, my baby that's all I could think of, but the door seemed so far away. The other pack had created a wall to prevent anyone from interfering. Her claws dug into my body like razor blades, my blood spilling out onto the floor. A kick to the stomach had me seeing stars and questioning gods very existence. I wish I could say I knew what happened after but I blacked out to her racking her claws down my abdomen, a metallic taste filling my mouth and my body on fire.

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