Chapter 4

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4 months later and I had gained my strength back somewhat we then worked on my ability to shift. Two months after that and I was ready to go home. The hospital was nice, but I wanted to go home. Sitting outside the hospital on a bench with my suitcase I waited for my parents. My dad's SUV pulled up and I got into the back. My mom was in the passenger seat we made small talk and my dad drove us home. The hospital was two hours outside of town.

I went over my inner mantras as we got closer to the town. My life wasn't over it was just starting a new chapter. Relationships don't define who you are you do. I'm 23 I still have time to find someone if and when I chose. Avoid all questions related to Andrew, Delaine, the baby, my future. Just focus on getting back to who I was or whatever that means. Raking my fingers through my hair I allow myself to drift off to the sounds of cars, my parents talking and a soft breeze.

Awaking from a soft nudge I open my eyes to see my father. "Come on baby girl let me help you inside.", I shake my head, "the doctors want me to do as much on my own." I need to make sure I continue doing the leg workouts and making sure I'm staying active. He steps back, and I exit the SUV. My dad closes the door and locks the SUV behind me. I take in the view the house, It appeared unchanged the neighborhood also seemed about the same. I followed after my mom and entered the house. I told my parents I was going to nap and headed to my room. It looked exactly as I left it the night of the party. I walk around my room and preferred to take down every picture except for the ones of my immediate family. Placing them in my dresser drawer I grabbed a pair of sleepers out of the second drawer and went to take a shower.

Closing the bathroom door, I turned the shower on, so it would be hot when I got in. I undressed and got into the shower, letting the hot water beat down on my body I relaxed my shoulders and attempted to unwind. My wolf felt close to the surface she wanted revenge, but I put that from my mind. I didn't want to bother I didn't want to ruin my life or lose anymore time. Most people would be mated with children now it's just how shifters are. We usually find our mates around 16-18 and are mated for life with few exceptions. Unfaithful mates usually stayed together because the strength of a completed mating bond would prevent you from leaving. Its been done but it was uncommon.

A knock on my door shook me out of my thoughts, "yes", I called to the door. "Hey baby girl, its dad, um we have visitors. Could you dress and meet us downstairs." Oh no, facepalm, I could guess exactly who it was and I sort of expected it. Pretended it wouldn't happen even. Today, wow, they probably had wolves posted at all entrances into the city waiting on my arrival. Connie is always the obedient girl I'm sure all we have to do is give her a talk and everything will be fine I could just imagine. Even my parents didn't expect me to want to leave even given the circumstances. Fake it till you make it Connie girl. "Okay, I'll be down when I'm done showering." "Thanks baby girl!"

Turning off the water I grabbed the towel from on the towel rack next to the shower door. Exiting the shower, I approach the mirror and look at myself. I looked skinny as a beanpole, pale skin, my blue eyes stood out on my face. My hair was growing back to the length it hand been before the attack. It had been cut for easier maintenance by my mom. I looked the same I suppose but I felt much older. Walking into my room I put my sleepers on my bed and grabbed a bra, shirt and a pair of pants. Dressing slowly trying to calm myself. I grabbed my old high school sweatshirt and put that on. Walking to my vanity I applied some make up to give myself a little color.

Opening my door, I take a deep breath and head downstairs contemplating what's in store for me. Walking to the living room I see that along with my patents there's; the alpha and his wife, Andrew and Delaine along with the enforcers of the pack and the visiting alpha and beta from before. They sat in a c-shape leaving the lone reclining chair as the only open seat. I felt all eyes upon me as I sat down.

Breaking the awkward silence, the alpha tells me he's happy to hear I'm doing better yada, yada, yada. I zoned out. They brought her to my home, unbelievable. Couldn't wait a day for me to unpack my suit case and visit with my family? Nope. Bullshit. Rolling my head from the left to right I crack it trying to calm myself. Appearances were important my family was highly respected in this pack. I could feel my jaw starting to hurt from the grinding of my teeth and the fake smile I plastered on my face as I approached the group.

"Connie?", turning I realize all eyes are on me. "Sorry could you say that again", leaning to the right I put my elbow on the armrest and rested my head on my hand. Clearing his throat, he started over. "I happy to have you home but I have to make sure everyone is on the same page. Your parents and I got your marriage voided essentially when you were in the comma. Andrew and Delaine have mated, marked each other, and are expecting their third child." I nod. "We wanted to confirm you had been updated. As well as give our condolences on the death of your child. Andrew did go through a period of mourning and when little Isabelle was born it helped him." "Huh?" "Delaine named her first child Isabelle as well. Ah. Is that going to be an issue Connie?"

Shocked, I made my face expressionless, "With?" "The naming?", oh they wanted me to react, "Why would there be alpha?" I was going to stay as calm as a cucumber. My alpha continued baiting me "Just making sure we don't have anymore craziness." Nod. "The elders think it may be best for you to find a place in town seeing as we live so close. To make it easier on you to move on from my son. But your parents think its best you stay with them given your physical therapy just ended. We will revisit this at a later time unless something occurs." Nod. "Connie you're not saying much." "I just got home alpha and wasn't expecting to have a meeting when I barely got in the house.", with that I turn and stare at him to show him my indifferent attitude. Rolling my eyes, I start to rub them. Depleted of energy and I wasn't going to be able to stay awake for this conversation. "I'm sorry alpha but I need to get some rest." "Connie, I apologize but we need to have this conversation now." "Why, I can barely keep my eyes open?", His lips thinned, and the silence grew. I turn to my dad. "I'm tired I need sleep."

My father didn't look to happy. "Connie try to stay awake please", was his stern response. I nod and try to stay awake. The conversation goes on and I attempt to stay awake. They go through rules that were made for me when I'm around Andrew which they hope to be as little as possible. Approach to give respects but refrain from small talk, he's a married man with children. I MUST act like a woman who has respect for herself and class. Give him space and not linger on the past. I would be assigned one of the enforcers to watch me at events to make sure no arguments or fights occurred. My family was well respected and as such I should act accordingly and not like a scorned lover. Two hours later and I was finally released. I went straight to my room and got under the blankets. Lights on, clothes on, and passed out.

Waking up I head downstairs following the smell of food cooking into the kitchen. My family's all there including my sister's husband Carter and little Cece. As I approached conversations ceased. Awkward. "Connie", turning to look at my father I wondered what he would say. He starts reprimanding me for my behavior in front of the alpha last night. My behavior would be forgiven this time but not the next. Wow. He rather ass kiss with the alpha than defend me. Apologizing, I fell into a silence. I just didn't feel like talking I told my mother when she asked me. Pushing my food around on my plate I realized I was 23 and had no college education nor a job. I did have a small inheritance that I could maybe live off depending on how things went. I was ready to run. I'm going to look for jobs today I told my parents. Neither responded out of shock. They thought I would be in mourning when I got home. Grabbing the wanted ads from the newspaper I went upstairs to grab my phone and car keys. Then headed outside.

My car had been stored in the garage while I was away. I had barely used it since me and Andrew lived so close plus he would take me everywhere we had been inseparable. Gas tank full. I sit staring at my house in the rear-view mirror. Sighing I turn the key starting the car and then drive away. With a full tank of gas, a bit of cash and having completed my physical therapy it was time for me to see what was out there. I knew they would alert my parents once I drove past city limits. I cared little. I heard about a city that housed a shifter MC and I was headed there. 

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