Chapter 2

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Rosé point of view
*in a tub full of water* What's the difference between living and being dead? Living is stressful dieing is where u can be free. Free from work problems anything. Being dead u can watch over the ones u hurt, or the ones far away from u. U can see the stupid stuff or funny stuff they can see but u can't cuz ur not there with them at that time. U can see lots of stuff that u couldn't see while living. *lowers her head in the water* "ROSÉ STOP THAT!" The nurse came in and yelled. She got me out of the tub and covered me with a towel. She called other doctors and they grabbed me and put me on my bed and restrained me to my bed. This isn't the first time I did this. I've done this a lot actually. I just sat there staring at the white wall in front of me. Probably wondering how I ended up in here. It's a long story. U see when I was in 6th grade my best friends.. they were a blessing to me. I loved them. We were like sisters u can never separate us until the end of 6th grade year.. I was sitting on my bed and my dad came in yelling. "LISA IS ON THE NEWS LISA IS ON THE NEW!" I looked at him I ran to the living room and sat down in front of the tv. I saw police holding her she was looking down. I saw her in handcuffs. I immediately grabbed my phone and called the girls. They told me they saw her too. I hanged up and watched more in the tv the new reporter said. "Lalisa Manoban was arrested for stealing multiple items drugs, a TV, and some clothing in a store on **** street. She's expected to serve a month in juvenile hall." Why on earth would Lisa do such a thing. After a week Jisoo started to act up. She would get so angry. Yes she has anger issues but these were worse she would punch a wall and her knuckles would start bleeding. The next week Y/n and I went to school and Jisoo wasn't there. We tried texting her but she wouldn't answer. We then after school went to her house. We asked her parents. "Oh Jisoo she's in a place we're their gonna take care of her for a little while I'm sure she'll be out in a couple of week." Y/n and I looked at each other. Then we walked home. A month later Lisa came home. But y/n she was acting weird she was distant from us. Every time we would come up to her she'll move away. Then she just stopped talking to us. Then about Jisoo the couple of weeks turned into 3 months. It was almost gonna be time for us to go to 7th grade. Once it was the first day of 7th grade I had a class with y/n. I sat next to her and she looked down. "Y/n why aren't u talking to us?" She looked at me. And she had a tear in her eye. "I just needed some space u know? Plus m-my mom told me to stay away from y'all." I looked at her. "Why?" I said. "She said because she didn't want me to hang out with Lisa. And she heard about Jisoo she told me when Jisoo come out of where she's at she told me to get away from her and u she said to stay away from u just in case u turn into them." "Why would she say that?!" I said. "I don't know!" She said. "But I miss y'all! Do you want to know what I've been doing since I was gone from y'all?" I nodded. She started crying. "I've been cutting my self and going on top of roofs on buildings an-.." I took her and hugged her. "Why why would you want to do this to ur self?" I said. "There was no point in living when I'm locked up not seeing y'all!" She said. I started crying. "Sisters forever?" I said. She looked at me and smiled. "Forever." She smiled. "Where's Lisa?" She said. "Oh she's in a different class!" I said. "Oh what about Jisoo what class does she have?" She said. I looked at her. "S-She didn't come back did she?" She looked down. "I'm sad too y/n her parents said she will be out in a couple of week but 3 months have past! But you never know maybe she'll surprise us!" I said smiling then she gave me a little smile.
Y/n point of view
I feel the cold wind pushing against my cheeks. I see the city lights. I hear people talking screaming laughing. I hear lots of cars going through the city. I see the nigh sky with a bright yellow moon. I walk up to the balcony. I look down and see the street full of cars. I look to my right and see 4 girls walking out of a store laughing and talking. Sigh. I miss them. I don't know here they are. I want to find them but another part of me says that their fine without me. I look at the tall building across from me I see this guy. It's not the first time I've seen him up here. Every time I come out here I see him looking out here. I know he's not only looking out here. But he's trying to do something like I've been tying to do since 6th grade. I won't do it because I'm scared but I want to do it cuz I don't want to be in the world. I hesitate. I walk back to the stairs and look at the guy and walk down the stairs to my apartment. "Where have you been?!" My mom comes to me and slaps me. "I-I was just taking a walk." I said. "Never go out with out my permission." She glared at me. I then look at her and walked out of the apartment. I went outside and it was really cold I was only wear shorts and a t shirt. The wind felt good though. I see those 4 girls again. Their talking about boys and fashion. I walk passed them and now I hear them talking about me. I ignore her and keep waking. I walk into Burger King. I hear loud noises I look and there's seven boys eating and laughing. I smile and walk to a table and sit there looking out the window. From the corner of my eyes I see one of the boys noticing me. He then tells the other boys then now their all staring at me. I hate when this happens. I put my head down. I then hear footsteps coming. Then I felt someone tapping on me. I look and all 7 of the boys are sitting down at my table. I look at them. "Um we just saw and though maybe u needed a friends." One of the boys smiled "I'm Jimin by the way." I looked at them blankly. "Sorry but I'm better off without friends" I stood up and was about to walk away but one of the boys held my wrist. "Don't go we just wanna talk." A guy said with broad shoulders. They all introduced them selfs "Hi I'm Jin!" "Hey I'm suga but call me Yoongi." "Hello I'm RM buy call me Namjoon." "Hi I'm ur hope J-hope." I giggled. "Hi I'm Jimin." "Hiii I'm Taehyung!" "hi im Jungkook." He said shyly. he's the guy that I've seen on top of the building. "What's ur name?" Said J-hope. "I'm Kim Y/n" "woaaa" said Taehyung. They all cheered I started laughing. We all started talking and we were having a great time until. "He so do you have other friends?" Namjoon said. "Yeah where are they?" Yoongi said. "U-um I-I uhh" I started shaking. "Woah what's wrong are you okay?" Jimin said. "Yeah I'm okay it's just I-I I don't have f-friends right n-now." I Said. "What do you mean you don't have friends right now?" Taehyung said. "It's a really long story." I said. They all agreed the listen. I told them everything! Everything that happened over the year. "And now I can't find them. I can't live with out them." I said tearing up. Jimin came to me and hugged me. "U know what?!" Jin said. "We are gonna help you find them!" He said. "W-What? Really!" They nodded. "T-thank you!" "Oh it's nothing!" Namjoon added. I looked at them smiling. "Now let's get started!" They all said. We were researching anywhere they could be but we couldn't find them. I went back home empty handed. "Text us if u need anything okay?" Jin said. I smiled and closed the door. Man if I never met them I wouldn't be here. I would have been done looking for them. I would have never found them.

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