Chapter 1

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Where the hell am I?,am I dreaming probably not but I probably be already waking up right now,but why do I hear people's voices and, cars going through.Did I get kidnapped?, wait am I dead?, no that can't be I mean I've never really knew what heaven looks like, but still heaven can sound like that?. I opened my eyes and rose above to see that I was sitting on top of a old newspaper,how gross.This looks like an alleyway, though it was disgusting honestly there were newspapers everywhere and dirty boxes I think some of them are empty but I didn't really care about that all I care about is getting out of here and to know where I am.Rose on my 2 feet wobbling a little bit looking down to see that I revived dirt upon my legs.Now how that get there?,I said in my mind rubbing off the dirt off. OK so I'm in an alleyway and there's people talking, cars going by so it must mean I'm in a city right?, but which city I don't recognize this place at all in fact I don't think this place is rea-I mean I'm not really good with recognizing locations,but I don't know,maybe I should ask for help or go to a police station,yeah! That will do. I slowly walked out of anyway poking my head out to see a wonderful view!.Everything look futuristic,There were robots cleaning the grounds,the buildings had high tech screens on every window,there was even a flying subway above my head flying around with people inside?,wait now that I'm taking a closer look,the people didn't look human at all. They all look like animals,or cartoons??.I saw some looked cartoonish,others had either horns or wings on them,and some of the people walking by were just beast,monsters or animals.Is this real?,am I in the future where no humans exist??,WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON-,I then slapped myself trying to control myself over what I've wittiness..Ok so I am definitely not in the future nor in the past, or present maybe?, that's the only logical explanation for this is that I think I'm in another universe?.Another universe where humans are nowhere to be found?.Well if that's the case then I definitely can't be walking out there they probably think I'm an outsider or something,but now if I could only find a disguise. I skim through the alleyway to see if I could find something useful well, until I looked through an abandoned garbage can to see an old raggedy jacket that kind of seemed a little too big on me but I think it'll work , but the problem is it smelled really bad but not too bad, kind of smell like trash basically.I put on the jacket,covering my whole face,ready to face the outside. OK you can do this all you have to do is just go through the walking people , and maybe ask for help; maybe they might be friendly or not I don't know, but all I care about is just getting out of here and, going back home.I took one last deep breath,entering to the beyond of a new world..

?????? 3rd P.O.V
The girl walked into the outside  to be only immediately shoved and pushed by the walking people.It seemed like that they were in a rush. The girl then finally was able to make her way through the middle of a crowd.While walking past she sees  the beautiful sight. The girls saw a lot while walking,she saw robots cleaning up the streets,Children playing with each other with electric toys that would
Float,or shoot out lasers,people wore  different types of outfits, some people had some sort of uniform others just had a jacket on ,hiding some of their faces while others just had a really expensive suits and dresses.The Place was very much huge,mostly look like New York,but bigger.It was practically like a maze!,the girl thought to herself.As she wonder herself to
Explore more,she stop by a park that had a playground in the sky,and benches that floated 2 feet up,The view was breathtaking to the girl.

As she wonder herself toExplore more,she stop by a park that had a playground in the sky,and benches that floated 2 feet up,The view was breathtaking to the girl

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