Chapter 6: Aftermath

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It didn't take long for me to arrive back home. I reckoned it was already ten past three when I reached the red front porch making my way towards the silver gates as I walked through the smooth pavement and entered through our blue glass front door, as I then firmly locked the door shut behind myself and took off my shoes to keep the house clean.

Immediately my parents became alarmed as they sternly met and scrutinized me

"Ari where have you been?" 

Asked my father with the utmost concern in his blue pulsing veins, as he quickly peered from the living room to check up on me out of good fatherly instinct.

Suddenly it had finally occurred to me that I had forgotten to clean Irene's lipstick off from my face

She had left red lip stains all over me and I was a fool not to notice earlier. 

"What's that on your face?

Snapped dad quite alert with unease as he took a close look at my face, as if to make sure it wasn't what he thought it was. 

"It's nothing."

 I quickly replied to him, rubbing the reminisce and last traces of evidence off my pale face before he could take a very close look at me.

 "You better not be lying to me."

 He spoke in a cold voice, feeling rather suspicious of my odd behavior and strange tone in my voice as I tried to dodge his keen observations.

I quickly turned to defence, just liked I had seen some defence lawyers do in court

 "Dad you're paranoid."

 I replied, arms crossed strongly under my beating feminine chest as I made him feel dumb with age and stared him down to know he was being too harsh with his deluded accusations.

"You better not be up to something"

 He replied disappearing back into the living room as he sternly proceeded to watch television.

It wasn't long before I had breakfast and headed upstairs to take a shower only to be disrupted minutes later. I heard mom's voice. 


My mother warmly called out to me, as I came slowly walking down to greet her.

"Your old friend is here to see you"

 She spoke in a cheerful voice, overjoyed with happiness


I asked her with utter confusion as I couldn't comprehend about what she had meant, when I knew I didn't really have any friends in the first place.

 It didn't occur to me that I had any in the first place. I promptly headed back up and got dressed, dried myself up as I fixed myself and headed downstairs only to recognise a familiar face waiting for me downstairs as she made herself feel at home. 

"Long time no see Aria."

 Smiled Sasha my former blonde friend next door.

We had history together

We used to be best friends when I was young. She'd always hangout with me during the blissful summer days and we'd spend afternoons having sleep overs, playing video games and camping in her back garden. She was like a sister to me, except she was like a sister I've never had. I didn't think she'd ever visit me again. Ever since I left to LA she hadn't come since when I dropped by during the holidays, it was like she forgot me altogether when she met Sergey and became obsessed with him.

I didn't have much words. I wasn't happy or relieved, sad of depressed. I felt indifferent about seeing her again and was reluctant to get rid of her as soon as possible. 

She wasn't welcome in my house that's all I knew.

 "So I heard you're back from LA for the summer." 

She eagerly smiled, eyes beaming at me with surprise

I nodded without remorse


 I replied blankly not expecting more questions to come flying my way.

"I have an idea why don't we spend summer vacation together?

She swiftly proposed beaming with excitement and light as she glowed with happiness.

 "Just like the old times"

 she smiled.

That smile wasn't sincere. I could smell her charade from a mile away, and I wasn't having it. I hated this girl and wanted her to leave my house as soon as possible as I couldn't stand to tolerate her attitude and fake personality.

She hadn't changed one bit

"I think I'll pass"

 I shrugged my shoulders up high refusing her delusional, yet childish fantasies as I saw she was still stupid not to notice I had already seen through her motives without even batting a single eyelash. I knew she was just trying to use me for money and quick vacation trips.

 "Aw why not?" 

She asked looking up at me like a lost puppy.

 "You didn't have time for me before so why would you have time now?"

 I propped the question exiting the room with irritation and annoyance in my strong voice.

 I didn't want to hurt her but she gave me no other choice. One hell of a friend she used to be always clinging by my side until she met Prince charming. As if they existed anyway I thought heading back upstairs as I locked myself thinking of Irene.

She was the first person to make me feel alive. I've never felt this way towards anyone. Not even people I've dated. She was different, different from everyone I've known before. All it took now was to convince my parents she wasn't lesbian so I could visit her whenever I pleased. It was hard to believe I'd be falling head over heels for someone I barely knew. Age difference barely mattered either, for all I knew she mattered to me and I was going to pursue her.

But is she really a lesbian? That's what bothered me most. Who was the guy in the first place and what sort of relationship did they have. That's what bothered me most for this girl was like no other she was a girl of my dreams. My world and my treasure someone who understood me both inside-out. 

She was divine.

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