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Layla POV
I stare at my reflection in the mirror. Today's the day. I whisper to myself. I twirl around, feeling my elegant white dress spin with me. My curled hair bounces and my makeup shines in the morning light.

I can't believe today is the day. The day I get married to the love of my life, the person who saved me from the darkness of my past, the man that fathered my child.

A bright smile plays on my face as I hear a baby cry in the distant. I look away from the mirror and see Beckett holding my baby boy.

"Levi just won't stop crying. I'm so sorry. I've tried everything" Beckett panics. I hold my arms out and Beckett sighs and walks into my embrace.

"Not you, idiot. She wants to hold the baby" Ina says walking into the room wearing her lavender bridesmaid dress. She looked stunning as ever, big bouncy curls cascaded down past her shoulders and her dress fit her beautifully, flowing down each and every curve of her body.

"Oops sorry!" He gives me Levi and my baby instantly stops crying.

I hold him in my arms and feel his chubby cheeks against my shoulder. I bounce up and down gently and instantly feel him calm down. Whenever he would get into fits like these, the best way to calm him down was to hold him in my arms. Of course it definitely got tiring when I was being woken up at four in the morning just to calm him down but I guess there's nothing like a mother's embrace.

In my wedding, Callie, Ina, and Nakiya were my bridesmaids. Abbie and Allie were my flower girls. Grayson's groomsmen were John, Jack, and Aaron. Our wedding was small, due to the fact that neither Grayson or I had a lot of blood relatives. But we had our friends, who were defiantly our family after everything we've been through.

I hand Levi to Beckett again and finish getting ready. A tear escapes my eye when I realize that my mother wasn't here to see me on my big day. I had always dreamt about my wedding day, and in every dream, I pictured my mom walking me down the isle. My heart aches as I realize that I would have to walk this isle alone.

The music queue starts and the bridesmaids and groomsmen start down the aisle. I wipe my tears and stand in place. I take a deep breath and look up to the sky. I hope you're proud of me, mom. I think as more tears escape my eyes.

The aisle looks scary and suddenly I feel so nervous that I can't walk the aisle alone. I need my mom here, she should be here. I need her. Oh what I would take just to have her here right now in this moment. To be able to call her phone and ask her the many questions I have about parenting. Just to be able to hear her tell me that she loves me and that everything will be ok.

I haven't really thought of my mom recently, so many things have been happening in my life that I've gotten carried away. But it's in times like these when I really need her with me. I begin to feel weak and my knees begin to buckle.

Beckett takes my arm and locks his arm around mine, supporting me up.

"May I walk you down the aisle?" Beckett asks. I look at him and smile through my tears. I nod my head as he wipes my tears, careful not to smudge my makeup.

"Don't cry. If you start crying, I'll cry and we can't have that happening." Beckett says. I whisper a quiet, yet appreciated thank you. Beckett really knows exactly when I need someone.

I look around and notice Levi nowhere in sight. My mother instincts kick right in as panic courses through my body. Ever since I lost Grayson, I've always made sure that both my boys have been within eyesight. Never letting them slip away, not ever.

"Where did you put Levi?" I ask. Beckett hushes me as I hear my music queue. "Here comes the bride" plays and I take a deep breath. Beckett smiles encouragingly and we take the first step together.

When we turn around the bend, I spot Grayson standing at the altar, looking as sexy as ever. His hair was perfectly styled, he had grown a beard which I was defiantly liking and he was holding Levi in his arms.

Tears continuously roll down my cheeks as I look at my boys together. I love them so much.

I arrive at the altar, Beckett kisses my cheek and steals Levi away and sits in the first row of chairs.

Grayson takes my hands in his and he wipes away his tears. Grayson doesn't cry a lot, he cried when he thought he lost me, he cried when Levi was born and now today at our wedding.

The pastor begins his long speel but I can hardly pay attention. My eyes were locked with Grayson's and I couldn't look away. This man right here in front of me is the man I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. The man I'm going to grow my family with, the man I'm going to grow old with.

This man, Grayson Donavon, is my forever. We read our vows to each other and my hands shake as I read my paper.

"Do you, Layla Davis, take the Grayson Donavon to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The pastor asks. I nod my head and whisper I do, still lost in the deep sea of emotions.

"Do you, Grayson Donavon, take the Layla Davis to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Grayson whispers I do. We exchange our wedding bands and Grayson squeezes my hands in his. This is it. This is the moment we've been waiting for.

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" When those words were uttered, I couldn't help but pull Grayson in and attack him with my hungry lips.

I can't believe my life would end up like this. Grayson is my future, my forever and always.

Grayson and Levi are my everything and I would've never dreamed I could be so lucky.


I'm sorry it took literally a few years, I just wasn't happy with it but now I finally have it to where I feel it's the best!

Hopefully you all love it too!

If you love it I would appreciate a vote and comment what you think!


I really love the book and I hope you do to!

This is the end of a long journey! I will miss my characters and this story so much but I am working on a rewrite of the first book in this series.

Please follow me @BlueSea2124 for more updates on my other books and the rewrite!


Xx, Laura Sea

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