Wide awake

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Kenzie's p.o.v

I couldn't keep my head up any longer, I was weak and everything was hurting. I didn't want to die, I was only 11, but at least I was with Trent. Suddenly everything went black, but it also wasn't black. It was like different shades going in circles through my head. Then I felt it snap, my eyes were suddenly wide open but I couldn't move. I felt arms around my legs bringing me to the surface. The sun was blinding and compared to the darkness I had just felt everything seemed so bright that I couldn't make out shapes.

"Kenzie! Kenzie breathe!" I heard the familiar voice breaking.

I suddenly started coughing, water coming out of my mouth. I looked around and my sight had readjusted. I saw Trent but I couldn't remember why he was here. Then it all came back to me, my ankle, the ocean. I started breathing really heavily. I was put on a board and cautiously paddled back to shore.
"Maxi carry her to the tower I'll Radio in for an ambulance." I almost forgot Jesse was there.

As I was carried up the beach I started feeling sick, I had never felt like this before and it scared me.
"Trent, I'm really dizzy, and cold." I was shaking in his arms then suddenly I got really tired and my eyelids became heavier with every step taken. I fell asleep much to Trent's disappointment.

Maxi's p.o.v

As soon as we got close to shore I picked up my little sister and rushed to he tower not really listening to what Jesse was saying. Her body was extremely warm and then she started rapidly shaking.
"Trent, I'm really dizzy, and cold." Her voice was vibrating as her body shook. Her eyes began to close.
"No Kenzie you have to stay awake for me, please Kenz!" A tear rolled down my cheek. When I reached the lifeguard tower whippet was at he steps just staring at Kenzie's ankle. It was completely twisted in the wrong direction and there was blood gushing out of it. Then his eyes came up to her face.
"Wait Maxi, isn't that.."
"Yes it's Kenzie, have you called an ambulance."
"Yeah, yeah it's on it's way. Is she breathing, why aren't you on the beach working on her?" The professionalism in his voice made me realise my head wasn't in the right place.
"BECAUSE SHE'S MY SISTER WHIPPET!!" I think he understood and I placed her down on the bed in the tower, trying to get her to wake up.
She finally opened her eyes, I had a slight smile, which shrunk when she turned and vomited on my feet.
"S-s-sor-r-ry" she was still shivering.
"It's alright I can always wash it off." I said smiling at her.
"My ankle hurts, like really bad." She started to cry. My heart shattered.
Suddenly Yak and a couple other paramedics walked into the tower.
"What's happened here?" He said in a calm voice. I told him everything. The rocks, her ankle and her being under completely for a short period of time. He then quickly lifted Kenzie onto a gurney and asked if there were any family members.
"Ah yeah, it's my sister." My voice was suddenly shaking and Yak gave me a sympathetic look.
"You can come in the ambulance with her."
"Is that okay whippet?" I looked at him hopeful
"Of course it is, I call in one of the other boys go be with your sister." I gave him a great full smile then grabbed my bag and went after the gurney with my sister on it.

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