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Maxi's p.o.v
Sydney is a beautiful place, but the traffic is dreadful. On the way to the hospital there were a lot of car horns beeping. Although that seemed like white noise to me. I had tunnel vision set on my sisters shivering body. She was awake but her eyes kept closing then occasionally she would squeeze my hand so tightly that I swear she broke my fingers, she did this when the pain in her ankle got unbearable.

Kenzie's p.o.v

I was in soo much pain, I looked at my ankle briefly and saw that it was barely together, like that weird stringy bit of celery that is just hanging on. As I drifted in and out of consciousness, Trent's hand never left mine. Probably not the best choice for him as I kept squeezing the life out of it when I was in too much pain.

Then suddenly the ambulance hit a speed bump sending immaculate pain through my leg. I let out a scream followed by whimpers.

"Kenz, it'll be alright I know it hurts but..." I didn't hear the rest of Trent's sentence as suddenly everything went black.

Maxi's p.o.v

After Kenzie screamed in pain I tried to comfort her until her eyes started to close, then I went full brother on her.

"KENZILINA ROSE MAXWELL! YOU OPEN YOUR EYES RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR TO GOD YOU WILL NEVER SEE ANOTHER OREO AGAIN!!" okay so I realise that may have been useless but I know how much she loves Oreos and thought it was worth a try.

We reached the hospital and I watched as they speedily wheeled my baby sister into icu.
They told me they were gonna clear her lungs then reconstruct her leg so she wouldn't be awake for a while and it would be best if I wasn't there.

Then I got a call from whippet.

"Hey whip,"
"Maxi i know this is probably a lot to ask but Jeff just did his shoulder and no one else is available would it be okay if you came back?" I could hear the sympathy and hope in his voice and since Kenz won't be up for a while I thought it should be okay. So I headed back to Bondi.
Jesse's p.o.v
Maxi and I are like brothers, and Kenzie is like a sister to me so when I saw the ambulance leave and heard whippet radio in that he is calling in a replacement for Maxi my heart sank. There were probably another ten rescues, two lost kids and 15 scraped knees before Jeffroe popped his shoulder out and Maxi was brought back to work.

I immediately took my eyes off the water and bombarded him with questions about Kenzie's well-being only to be interrupted before answers by Harrison who was now on the water telling me to get three people out of the rip.

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