Chapter 7

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After Ryland walked off stage the crew came and took his DJ set and put it backstage. "We Are Family" started playing, everyone started screaming knowing that when that when the song starts playing means that R5 are coming out. The lights went out and it was pitch black. The screams got even louder! A white light pointed at Rocky who was playing a guitar riff, next came out was Ross with a light shining on his as well. The rest soon came out and the intro ended and they started playing "Forget About You" I smiled and started pumping my fist up and down jumping at the same time having a good time already.

They have finished about six songs and now they were taking a water break, Ross finished early and walked to his microphone

"Who wants to hear a new song?!" he asked the crowd with lots of energy in his voice

The crowd did a very loud scream in response "Alright I need you guys to help me, okay?" we all screamed once again "Okay I want you guys to clap for me!" he started clapping himself getting the tempo soon the crowd started clapping along with him "and one more thing...jump on the chorus" someone from backstage came on and handed Ross his black guitar

"Come on Florida! Keep on clapping for me!" Ellington said from his drums

The played one of their newest song and I got to say it was really good! The lyrics were strong and powerful, the tempo was perfect- wasn't too fast wasn't too slow- and overall it was amazing!


"Florida! This is our last song tonight!" Ross yelled into his microphone, while Ross was speaking Ellington at the same time was playing on his drums and Rydel was playing her keyboard.

I smiled, this was always my favorite song by them "So Florida!? I need you to get LOUD!" he said putting much emphasis on the word 'loud' he started singing the first verse. Riker, Rocky and him started jumping all around

"Come on get loud loud let it out

Shout it out from the rooftops

Come on get loud 'til they shut us down.

Come on get loud loud let it out

Show me everything that you've got

Come on get loud loud I need you now

Baby let me hear it loud"

I looked at Ellington in the back; he was drumming with lots of passion like the others were with their instruments. I looked over at Riker he leaped up in the air and when his feet were on the ground he started flipping his long hair

"Sing it with me!" Ross yelled before going into the 'Na Na Naa's'

All the instuments cut out except for Rocky's guitar "Thanks you all for coming out tonight, we're R5, see you next time!"

After they all put their instruments down they all went to the center of the stage, wrapped arms around each other and bowed the crowd going even more crazy when they went to the fence to touch and hug fans. All of a sudden Uptown Funk started playing- it is my favorite song at the moment! I started dancing in my own little spot singing quietly along with the music. I was shoved into the fence with great force right before my favorite part of the song was playing, I opened my eyes which I didn't notice I closed to see the one and only Riker Lynch. 'Act like a fan-girl, act like a fan-girl' I repeated to myself. I screamed when he handed me his bass pick I shoved it into my pocket and pretended to start crying.

They all soon left and as the venue slowly evacuated, I opened my purse to get my phone out so I could call Kara and tell her I was coming home, but then I remembered that Ryland took it. I sighed, I have no idea how I'm going to be able to see him backstage again. I walked to a sicurity guard and told him my name about to explain how Ryland wanted to see me after the concert, but before I can explain she started to lead me backstage. We got to a door with loud sounds coming out of it clearly it's the boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2015 ⏰

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