Regional Traits

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Your region helps define you. These stack with House Traits so that may factor into your House Creation


Castles get one extra turn of siege Capital trait

Feeble Trait (-2 movement on land). Capital trait

Ports count as Trading Posts. Land trait


Craftsmen. Capital trait

Fearful Smallfolk((1 extra turn to colonize)) capital trait

Blood Of Old Valyria for any person with a region here; who moves a noble here. Land Trait


Greenthumbs (+1 food per turn). Capital Trait

Upjumped Stewards (1 extra turn to conquer). Capital Trait

Farms (cost 2 food, 2 turns to build, may be built by anyone with land in the riverlands.) Land trait


Silverfingered (+1 gold per turn). Capital Trait

Fearful Smallfolk (1 extra turn to colonize). Capital Trait

Gold Mines (cost 2 gold, 2 turns to build, may be built by anyone with land in the westerlands.) Land trait

Iron Islands:

Feeble (-2 movement on land). Capital Trait

Reavers Trait (sacking a territory yields 1/1-max one territory per turn). When a siege is complete gains half of the saved resources rounded up. Capital Trait

No embarkment penalty; applies to anyone with troops here. Land trait

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