Part One: Diner Dash

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The sun was setting at the corner of Flint and Odacar. I look down at my trembling hands, wishing I would have worn gloves. The bus was running late as usual. 15 minutes ago I was sitting in my anatomy and physiology lecture. I wasn't able to obtain much of the information that was being spouted off at me. My mind has been in a different place all day. When the bus finally arrives I sit in my normal spot right next to the door. I don't want to spend any more time then I need to on this bus. After the 10-minute ride to my house, I exit the bus. It's a short walk from the bus stop to my house. my mind wanders while I walk home, but the stinging wind knocks me back to reality.

Walking up the porch I fumble for my keys. When I enter the living room is dark, it's late and everyone's asleep. I don't bother eating and go straight to my room. Even though I'm cold I stripped off my clothing and change into something more comfortable. I stare at myself in my mirror connect to my dresser. My skin is pale, my dark blonde hair looks dull, my grey eyes look empty.

I throw myself into bed exhausted from the day I had. This was a normal feeling. Every day I come home exhausted. Either from classes, working, or just the run-around of everyday life. I always think to myself how am I going to manage to do this every single day for the rest of my life. Even though I won't be in college my whole life I'll still have to work. I just pray to God I enjoy what I do. My biggest fear in life is being stuck at a job I can't stand, that's kind of how it is now. I work at a low-end Diner that's pretty popular with the locals spend my mornings filling up the elderly's coffee and my evenings delivering various burgers to customers.

I wake up early the next morning. It's Friday, that means I have a 12-hour shift at the diner. I wish I would have scheduled classes on Friday so I'd have an excuse not to work the 12 hours Friday shift. I get out of bed and change into my waitress uniform; khakis, a t-shirt, and my apron. When the bus drops me off in front of the diner. I walk in and see familiar faces. The same elderly couple sits in the corner booth stirring their coffee with a spoon.

My coworker Jennifer is already behind the counter writing something on her notepad. "Good morning, Hazel."

"Good morning, Jennifer." I reply.

I quickly make my way behind the counter, looking for a pen. "Forgot yours at home again, huh?" Jennifer said looking at me. I look at her with a half smile. "Here I have an extra."

"Thank you." I say quietly.

The bell on the door chimes. I middle-aged couple walks in and sits at a booth. The man is tall and thin. He's wearing a navy blue button up shirt and dress pants. The woman is short and curvy. She's wearing a black sweater and straight legged jeans. "Good morning, my name is Hazel. Do you know what you'd like to drink?" I say with a smile.

"Coffee," they both say in unison while looking at the menu. I nod and go grab two cups and a coffee pot. Once I get back to the table I set the cups down and pour the coffee.

"Are you ready to order?" I asked

"I just want pancakes, eggs, hash browns, and bacon. And she'll just have the fruit salad." He says folding his menu and handing it to me. I look over at the woman who's playing with the silverware in front of her.

"Alright," I say slowly whiling writhing the order on my pad.

Walking away I hear the woman talk to her husband. "I thought we were waiting for Levi?" She asks.

"If he doesn't feel the need to be here on time I don't feel the need to wait for him" he grunts.

I place the order ticket in the window. I stand behind the counter rolling silverware watching the couple out of the corner of my eye. The woman stares out the window while the man scrolls through his phone.

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