Part Two: Sweetheart

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My phone buzzes in my pocket. I look at the clock that hangs above the entrance door. It's only 12:43. I pull my phone out of my pocket. It's my mom. 'Rents due.' Is all it says. I sigh and shove my phone as far down my pocket as I can. My section is full. The lunch rush is the worst time of the day. Of course, Jennifer only has a few tables. And just like always she offers no help to me.

When two o'clock comes around the diner slows down. I am finally able to breathe. "I'm taking my break," I yell into the kitchen. Grabbing my jacket I make my way to the back of the diner to the employee entrance. When I open the door the cold wind hits my face. My eyes water slightly from the sting. I pull out my phone to reply to my mom. 'I know' I reply.

'Well???' She answers

'I'll have it tonight.'

'You said that yesterday'

'You know I don't get paid till Friday.'

'That's not my problem. We had a deal.'

'I know,' I click my phone off and shove it back into my pocket. I lean up against the brick of the diner. Pushing my hair behind my ear I take in a deep breath. I feel the cold air in my lungs. I look down the alley in which I'm standing to the main road of the city. Cars speed by. I take one more deep breath before making my way back inside. I hung my coat up and walk into the dining room. The dinner is empty. Jennifer stands at the window talking to Cookie. Jennifer looks at me "Your check is in the bottom of the register, don't forget it when you leave." She says.

"Thanks, I won't," I reply. My day goes by as normal. The events that unfolded early this morning didn't cross my mind until Jennifer brings it up.

"It's almost 8," she says. I look up at the clock, it's 7:45. "You're mystery man will be here soon."

I laugh "I doubt that,"

"Why do you say that?" She says shaking her head.

"He was just saying that so he didn't feel bad about not paying their bill." I say beginning to clean up the counter with a wet rag.

"You don't know that," she says smirking.

"Jennifer did you not see him. That boy could have been a model. He probably is for all we know. Look at me. A sloppy diner girl. It's not going to happen." I laugh.

"Oh shut up. The romance books you read are finally coming true." She says leaning on the counter looking at me.

"They're labeled fiction for a reason and you know I stopped reading those."

"Why? Where they giving you unrealistic expectations of love?" She says smiling.

I burst out laughing "That's exactly why." The doorbell chimes.

"What's so funny?" I look up. Levi walks in wearing a similar but different outfit from before. I stop laugh and stare at him. Jennifer stands up straight with a surprised expression.

"I.. I didn't know you were being serious this morning," I say stuttering slightly.

"Why would you think that?" He says confusedly. He doesn't give me time to answer. "Come on let's go." He says.

"My shift isn't over," I say quickly before he has time to say anything else.

He stares at Jennifer like he's waiting for her to say something. Jennifer looks at me then back at him. "Don't worry I'll close." She says.

I'm shocked. "Are you sure?" I say concerned.

"You heard her, let's go," Levi says pulling my arm. "Let's not waste any more time."

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