Forgive yourself - Chapter 18

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She blames herself for that accident, she was fighting with him about her device. He went to reach back and grab it off her and he had swerved off the road and the car tumbled down the hill. She wishes she had just given it to him in the first place but how would she have known this would have happened and he shouldn't have turned around to grab it off her in general. He's an adult he knew better so it isn't her fault, yet I feel like she needs to forgive herself, she needs to forgive herself then wake up and move on.

I sat upon one of the benches awaiting Lily to come join me and soon enough she did. "Lily I think I know how you can wake up and I need you to try to do this, alright?" I asked her looking off at all the people in the garden instead of her. "Okay, I promise I'll try" I finally turned to her and gave her a hug "Lets go to your room first".

We sat there in silence for a while before I spoke up "it wasn't your fault alright, yeah there was things you could have done to stop what has happened but everyone knows better than to get distracted when driving, he should have never reached over into the back seat he should have never turned his back on the wheel it was never your fault".

A solemn tear runs down her cheek as she takes a deep breath in. Slowly she begins to fade away from my vision. "Goodbye" she mouths to me before she turns invisible. I sit there in the silence of her hospital room waiting for her to wake up.

a/n sorry for such a short chapter and i'm back at school now so my updating days will be all over the place but i'll try to update and/or write alot in one period of time so i'm not to behind.

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