Joining the band

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(I arrive to the tour bus and knock)
Adam:Come in.
Me opening the door: guys I need to talk.
Adam asks with concern: what's wrong?
Me:its kinda hard to say.
Tommy:Its ok take your time.
Me:my grandmother she passed away because of leukemia I feel like I just want to stay in here and cry she meant everything to me and she's gone now.
(Tommy comes up to me and hugs me)
Tommy:guys could you give us a couple hours to talk we'll be ready join you when we're done.
(The others leave its just me and Tommy)
Tommy:I know how you feel about you grandmother I lost both of my parents.
Me crying: I don't understand why she didn't tell me she had leukemia I miss her and with my depression I miss her even more.
Tommy:Look if you ever need to talk I'm here.
Me:Thank you tommy I just wish I had somebody in my life Im I have been my entire life.
Tommy: Well your about to be taken.
Me asks in shock:What?
Tommy:Will you go out with me?
Me:Yes I will.
Tommy:great do you think you are down to have sex?
Me:Yeah but ive never had sex before.
Tommy:your a virgin?
(Tommy and me get ready to have sex and an hour later get ready to on stage)
Tommy:Are you sure your ok?
Me:yes thank you.
Tommy: we should get on stage.
Me:yeah should we tell the others we're dating?
Tommy:if you want to.
Me:I kinda do.
Tommy:ok we will when the shows over.
(We get ready Tommy puts on a white shirt light gray skinny jeans and his creepers I put on a black shirt that says stay calm cool and collected black skinny jeans and a pair of black Louis Vuitton heels and black eye shadow and lipstick)
Tommy:Are you ready?
Me:Ready as I'll ever be.
Tommy opening the door:You first love.
Me stepping in the tour bus:Thank you Tommy.
(When we get Tommy starts to says something)
Tommy:Guys we have something to tell you.
Adam:What is it?
Tommy hesitates to say something: Me and skylar are dating.
(Ashley walks up to grabs me by my throat and slams me against the wall)
Ashley:If you hurt him in anyway I will find you and hurt you worse!!!
(Ashley let's go as soon as I pass out)
Tommy:Ashley why would you do that?
Ashley:I don't know I don't know what's gotten over me.
Tommy:why would she ever hurt me?  When we first met I was in the corner crying she walked over and calmed me down.
Ashley:I'm so- Tommy interrupts her
Tommy:leave just leave.
Ashley leaves the tour bus and stops at the door:Tommy I truly am sorry.
(Tommy doesn't listen worrying more about me and picks me up)
Tommy:I'm gonna put her in my bed.
Tommy:Tell Ashley to come back inside and to stay away from her.
(Tommy takes me to his bed and places my lifeless body in it)
Tommy:I'm sorry Skylar I didn't know she going to do that please be ok.
Me:What happened where am I?
Tommy: Oh thank god your ok Ashley attacked she grabbed you your thraot making you pass out your in my bed on the tour bus.
Me looks up at Tommy crying: Please keep her away from me.
Tommy:I will.
(Adam knocks on the door)
Adam:Tommy its Ashley shes gone.
Tommy:what do you mean she's gone?
Adam:She left her car is gone.
Tommy:good after what she just pulled I don't want to see her.
Adam:But who's gonna be our other bass player?
Me:I could do it.
Tommy: Are you sure you?
Me:Yeah I did take lessons.
Tommy:Really can I see?
Me:All I have is an  acoustic guitar.
Tommy:I still want to see it.
(I start play the guitar Tommy's jaw drops with surprise)
Tommy:That was beautiful.
Me:Thank you that's the  song I wrote when I lost my sister and my niece I was scared to share with the world cause of was afraid that they would hate it.
Tommy:I love it but what's the lyrics?
Me:Their in my purse.
(Tommy walks up to my purse and pulls out the lyrics and starts crying)
Me:what's wrong babe?
Tommy:its the lyrics to your song they are so beautiful.
Me:thank you.
Tommy:Why don't you sing it on the next tour stop?
Me:Cause I'm scared to.
Ok how about Adam sing it?
Me:i don't know.
Tommy:Adam I need to talk to you.
Adam:Ok coming.
Tommy:Skylar wrote a song I want you to sing it for her,
Adam:I'll it I just need the lyrics.
(Tommy hands Adam west he lyrics Adam reads the lyrics and starts crying)
Adam:That's so beautiful what are they about?
Tommy:She told me they were about her losses and she was scared to share the song with the world.
Tommy:Cause she thinks they won't like it.
Adam:I'll sing it.
Tommy:Thank you.
Adam:What is she doing now?
Tommy:she's in my room asleep.
Adam:oh ok.
(When I wake up I go to the others and find something to eat I look in the freezer pull out some hamburger meat and spaghetti and start cooking it)
Me:Hey guys want some spaghetti?
Tommy:This is really good. Where did you learn to cook like this?
Me:My brother taught me before he moved to new york to live with his girlfriend.
Tommy:Have you heard from you brother?
Tommy:oh I'm sorry.
Me:it's ok I don't want to see him anyway.
Tommy:babe cone sit down.
(I walk over to the couch and sit next to Tommy thinking)
Tommy:What are thinking about babe?
Me:Just how amazing you are.
Tommy:I love you babe.
Me:I love you too baby.
( this is going to be it for this chapter but in the next chapter things get heated up)

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