The power

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(When me and Tommy wake up he tells me something about us that I never knew)
Me:good morning baby.
Tommy:I have to tell you something.
Me:What is it babe?
Tommy:Do you remember the last time we had sex?
Tommy:Well some how I knew you were on your period.
Me:What are you saying?
Tommy:Babe your pregnant.
Tommy:Why do you think your getting fat.
Me:I haven't noticed any signs that I am.
Tommy:Just be careful please.
Me:I will but right now I'm hungry.
(Tommy shows me his neck and before I reach his neck I whisper something in his ear)
Me:I love you babe.
Tommy:I love you too baby.
(Then I reach his neck and sink my teeth into his neck trying not to drain him completely)
Tommy:Babe I'm starting to get lightheaded.
Me:I'm sorry babe I lost control.
Tommy:Its ok babe.
Me:The faster your heart beats the hotter your blood gets and it get more tastier again I'm sorry.
Tommy:It's ok I trust you babe.
Me:Babe I gotta show you something.
Tommy:What is it?
(I sigh and turn around and lift up my shirt and reveal a tattoo)
Tommy:When did you get a tattoo?
Me:I didn't get a tattoo.
Tommy:What do you mean?
Me:Its a clan mark.
Tommu:What is a clan mark?
Me:Do you remember when Ashley bit me?
Me:Its formed after she bit me I'm part of her clan she has leadership over me.
Tommy:So your leaving?
Me:Of course not babe your my baby I would never leave you but if I don't get close to her by tonight I could die unless you become a vampire too.
Tommy:What happens if I do become a vampire?
Me:Than I dont have to be near her to survive I'd be the new leader.
Tommy:How long will it take for me to change?
Me:Its depends on what process you choose if you choose to drink my blood than it will turn you instantly if you choose the way Ashley did than it will take an hour to change you but you'd need human blood.
Tommy:So if I choose to drink your blood than I'd change instantly.
Tommy:Let's do it.
Me:Are you sure there are minor complications to this.
Tommy:Its worth a shot let's do this.
(I slit my wrist to allow blood flow down it Tommy sighs and starts to drink my blood)
Tommy:Why does your blood taste good?
Me:My blood isn't normal human blood human blood is salty but vampires can't taste the salt vampire blood is sweet with a hint of salt but not to much for it to be salty like human blood.
Tommy:Why do I feel lightheaded again?
Me:Cause its working.
Tommy:Oh ok.
Me:You have to lay down or it wont work.
(Tommy lays down and than passes out showing signs that the transformation worked)
Tommy:Did it work?
Me:Yes how's your throat?
Tommy:its burns……alot.
Me:You need to find a human and feed.
Tommy:I don't know how to feed.
Me:Its the same way I did when I fed of you babe.
Tommy:Ok let's do this.
(Me and Tommy go out and find someone to feed off them but they didn't know that)
Tommy:Excuse me sir could you help me I need help with my car has a flat tire?
Tony:Yes I will help you but where's your car exactly?
Tommy:Its at my house I'll take you there.
Tony:Ok sir.
(Me Tommy and the human go back to the house but little did the human know that we were vampires)
Tony:Sir where's your car?
(Tommy bends down and whispers something in the humans ear)
Tommy:I lied I don't have a car.
(Tommy sinks his teeth in to the humans neck to satisfy his thirst)
Me:See babe it wasnt that hard.
Tony:Your with this crazy man?
(I walk up to the human and bend down and whisper something in his ear)
Me:Your dead.
(I drain the human of his life then walk in the house)
Tommy:Babe what about the baby?
Me:I can give birth to it but it won't survive.
Me:Because thats when we were human vampire can't have a human baby that will survive but vampires can get pregnant whenever they want.
Tommy:So when this baby dies we you can get pregnant whenever you want to.
Me:Yes but I do t care about that I'm just interested in being with you.
Tommy:I love you babe.
Me:I love you too baby now let's get some rest we have a big day tomorrow.
Tommy:Why is that babe?
Me:Cause thats the due date for this baby.
Tommy:Oh ok.
(Me and Tommy go to bed and wait until morning)
Tommy:Good morning babe.
Me:great morning babe.
Tommy:Oh why is it great morning?
Me:cause I get to look at you without feeding off of you.
(Tommy gives me a kiss but not just a normal kiss it was a rough kiss)
Tommy:what's wrong don't like me kissing you?
Me:Nothing is wrong you just caught me by surprise that's all.
Tommy:Oh ok are you ready to give birth?
Me:Yes but remember this baby won't survive.
Tommy:I know babe.
Tommy:Yes I think my water broke.
Tommy:Let's get you to the hospital then.
Me:Babe I can't run.
Tommy:Fuck maybe Adam can take us.
(Tommy calls Adam and asks him if he can take us to the hospital)
Tommy:Hey Adam can you take us to the hospital?
Adam:Of course why what's wrong?
Tommy:I'll tell you in the car.
Adam:Ok I'm on my way.
Tommy:He's on his way give him a minute.
Me:I can't.
Tommy:Adam drives fast……wnd he's here.
(Adam knocks on the door and Tommy answers)
Tommy:We have to get her to the hospital fast.
Adam:What why?
Tommy:She's about to give birth.
(Adam and Tommy come over to me picks me up and takes me to the car and puts me in the car)
Me screaming in pain:Fucking hurry!!!!
Adam:I'm going as fast as I can my car won't go any faster.
Tommy:I have an idea.
Adam:Which is?
Tommy:You'll see.
(Tommy closes his eyes and the car starts to go faster until we reach a speed of 300)
Adam:What how did you do that?
Tommy:Do you want me to tell him babe.
Me:Just get me to the fucking hospital.
Adam:Tell me what?
Tommy says with a sigh: were vampires that's my power Skylar has yet to discover hers.
Adam:What how come you didn't tell me before?
Tommy:Cause we were vampire before.
Adam:Who turned Skylar?
Tommy:Ashley did she was the only vampire in the group.
Adam:And Skylar turned you
Me:God damn it stop talking and get me to the hospital before I make you wish you got me there faster.
(Tommy closes his eyes and we reach a speed of 800 we reach the hospital in less than 2 minutes)
Me screaming in pain:Get me the fuck in there now.
Tommy:Ok babe hold on.
(Adam and Tommy come to my side and pick me up and carries me inside)
Tommy:We would like to check her in.
Amanda:Why would you like to check her in?
Me screaming in pain:Get me to the fucking emergency room now!!!!
Amanda:Oh I see she's about give birth which one of you is the significant other?
Tommy:That would be be me.
Amanda:Ok sir if could come with me to take her to the emergency room.
Tommy:Yes ma'am.
Adam:I'll be in the waiting room.
(When we get to the emergency room and after done giving birth we enter the waiting room)
Adam:She's so cute whats her name.
Adam:Can I talk to you guys outside?
Me and Tommy:Of course.
Adam:Do babies that vampires give birth to survive?
Adam:I wish you guys luck.
Tommy:Thank you
Me:Babe I'm hungry.
Tommy:Do you think you can wait?
Adam:She can feed from me.
Tommy:Are you sure Adam? It tends to hurt.
Adam:Yes I'm sure I mean she just gave birth.
(I walk up to Adam and whisper something in his ear)
Me:Thank you Adam.
(I sink my teeth into Adams neck and he jumps has if it scared him)
Adam:Skylar I'm feeling lightheaded.
(But I don't stop)
Tommy:Skylar stop your going to kill him oh my god Adam think calm thoughts she told me the faster your heart beats the better your blood tastes.
(Adams heart slows down and I let go and Adam falls on the ground)
Me:Oh my god Adam I am sorry I lost control I am sorry.
Adam:Its ok you had to feed.
(I walk up to Adam and hug him) 
Me:Thank you Adam.
(I kiss his cheek and me and tommy walks home)
Tommy:Hey bab.
Me:Yeah babe?
Tommy:Can we have sex when we get home?
Tommy:I hope your ok you were screaming alot in the car.
Me:Yeah I'm fine babe.
Tommy:Are you sure.
Me:Yeah babe.
(Me and Tommy head to the bed room when we get home but I start thinking to myself)
Tommy:What's wrong baby?
Me:Next time I give birth what if I kill Adam?
Tommy:I told him what you told me the faster your heart beats the better your blood tastes I think the stuck in his mind.
Me:I know.
Tommy:Are you still down to have sex?
(Me and Tommy get naked and climb in bed)
Me thinking to myself:Oh my god why does he have to be so good at this every thrust is better than the last fuck I want to do this all night oh my god.
Tommy:Are you sure we might break the bed.
Me:Yes I'm sure.
Me thinking to myself:Oh my god why did he listen to me this was better then last time I want more.
Me:Tommy I can't breath.
Tommy:Do you want me to stop?
Tommy:Ok I'll stop.
Me:Tommy remember when I said vampires can't give birth to human babies?
Tommy:Yes I do.
Me:Well when I was feeding off Adam I read her mind she was thinking about something that I didn't want to happen.
Tommy:What was she thinking?
Me:She was thinking about me and how bad I was screaming before I gave birth to her.
Tommy:Yeah what happened.
Me:That wasn't the pain I felt.
Tommy:What do you mean?
Me:It was my clan mark it started burning it started burning a hole in my back vampires in Ashley's clan isn't allowed to give birth if I give birth again I could die.
Tommy:Then why did we just have sex?
Me:I have to want to give birth besides after a year or so the hole in my back will be complete my healed.
Tommy:I don't want to loose you.
Me:You won't baby remember I'm a fighter. 
Tommy:I know.
Me:I love you baby
Tommy:I love you too.
(Me and Tommy give each other a kiss and go to bed)
(Ok guys that going to be the end for this chapter its a little long I know but the next chapter won't be as long)

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