Forget About It

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[angst][T for language][1558 words]

What do superheroes do when there are no major missions and they have time to just be themselves? Play dodgeball in the park apparently.

Conner leapt to the side as the ball sped towards him. Tim didn't have super strength, but he could throw hard. Conner was super vigilant after getting a speeding ball to the face. that was not something he was hoping to repeat again any time soon.

Conner snatched the ball off the spot where it landed and spun around. Tim was running towards him. He narrowed his eyes and gazed past Tim. He pulled his arm back, making Tim stop and get in a defensive pose. Conner threw the ball hard—and away from Tim. When Tim whirled around to run after it, Conner zoomed into the trees.

He waited while Tim got the ball. When he came back, he squinted and started scanning the place. Conner smirked from his safe spot up in the trees that's it, wonder boy he thought just a little closer...

"grahh!" Conner yelled as he sprung down onto an unsuspecting Tim. He grabbed onto him as they rolled for a bit and then let him go.

He beamed at Tim who grinned and then started laughing. Oh God, his laugh. It wasn't something that was heard often. And boy did it drive Conner crazy. His stomach got all fluttery and he can't resist the urge to laugh along. They laid there for a little, just laughing, but soon their laughs die down and they just panted and basked in the sun.

Conner turned his head to look at Tim. He was sweaty and his hair was a mess, but Conner's heart soared any way. He wanted nothing more than to grab the idiot and kiss him senseless, running his hands through his hair. The content smile on his face and the life in his eyes, just added to the beauty. Conner definitely couldn't resist, so he looked away instead.

"Yes?" Tim says, glancing over at the clone.

"I didn't say anything" Conner counters, smiling a bit.

"Yeah, but usually you're not this quiet and you've been staring at me." Conner's face went pink. Oh God, he noticed.

He waved his hand dismissively "Nah, i was just thinking. It's nothing" Tim raised a brow but then shrugged.

"Whatever you say" he stood, "let's go check what Bart and Cassie are doing."

Bart and Cassie weren't doing much, Cassie sat on a bench while Bart ran to find flowers to show her. Bart ran up to them as they came over.

"Tim! Kon!" he bounced over "How's it goin? Me and Cassie are looking at flowers! Look, I found this one just 12 miles away!" Conner laughed. Bart smiled brighter and ran off, to find flowers even farther away, no doubt.

"So how are you enjoying yourselves?" Cassie asked casually as they sat with her. Tim actually sat on the bench while Conner settled on the ground. He started picking at the grass.

"It's fun but i think I'm ready to head back" Conner sighed and leaned back, propping himself up with his elbows.

Tim just closed his eyes and hummed contentedly. Conner stare at him for a bit, trying to commit the scene to memory: Tim, with the most peaceful look on his face, humming as the sun hit his face in just the right way to make him glow.

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