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[requested][fluff][G][865 words]

     "In my humble opinion, winter beats summer any day" Tim says to his boyfriend, who for real thought summer was the superior season.

     "Snow sucks though," Conner points out lamely.

     Tim shrugged, "I like it." Kon put his arm over him.

     "Even though it makes you shake like a little chihuahua?"

     "Kon!" Tim playfully hit him, making him laugh.

     "It's okay, you look cute when you're all wrapped up in winter clothes." Tim blushed and buried his face in his boyfriend's side.

     "Shut up" Kon just laughed again.

     He cupped tim's face and kissed his nose, which was ice cold, "whoa," he said, "Tim, you're freezing"

     Tim scoffed "I can handle a little cold, Kon"

     Conner pulled him so he was pressed up against him, grabbing his hands and pressing them against his face, which was still warm despite the cold.

     "You're like my own personal heater" Tim laughed and Conner grinned. He bent down and kissed Tim, who wrapped his arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

     They eventually broke apart so they could catch their breathe. Kon continued to kiss the rest of Tim's face, making the smaller boy chuckle.

     "God, you're so damn cute" Conner whispered, pressing his forehead against Tim's. Even though his face was already flushed from the cold, Tim's face turned a darker shade.

     "You're such a flirt" he grinned.

     "And you're so easily flustered" Kon countered, squeezing his boyfriend's hands.

     Tim rest his head on Conner's chest and sighed. Conner let go of his hands and wrapped his arms around Tim's body and placed his chin on his head.

     They stood there for a minute before Tim let go and they continued walking.

     "So... how's hot chocolate and video games sounding?" Kon asked after a bit.

     Tim grinned at his boyfriend, "You read my mind" he squeezed his hand and moved closer.

     Conner watched Tim as they walked. normally, Kon wouldn't stare at someone (because in all honesty, he just doesn't care) but it's so hard to not stare. Tim was adorable and hot at the same time, and in Kon's experience, that's a dangerous mix. Like, when he's kicking ass Conner can't help but stare just because how mesmerizing Tim is. and that's when he's not even trying, when he is, they're no resisting him.

     Almost everyone knows Tim's hot, obviously, but few would describe him as "cute". Tim is never one to be all cuddly and soft around others, but when it's just him and Conner he basically melts into him. Tim was pretty independent, but when he wanted to snuggle up with Kon, he lets him know. As in, he refuses to let Conner even go get a drink, because he would have to separate.

     And besides, tim despises pda and usually only showed his affectionate side when they were alone. And nothing made Conner happier than to spend time with his Robin, whether it was just them doing homework or making out. All was good.

     "It stopped snowing," Tim acknowledged.


     "What are you thinking about?"

     "You. Us," Conner smiled at Tim who once again just buried his face into his boyfriend's coat.

     "Me too."


     "Peppermint?" tim scrunched his nose at the offer.

     "Uh, ew. No."

     Conner laughed and popped it into his mouth while Tim pretended to gag. Conner threw a pillow at him.

     Conner grinned smugly at Tim. That is, until he was tackled by a very crazy and very adorable Robin.

     Tim straddled Conner's hips and hit him with the pillow, laughing evilly. Conner grabbed the pillow and tugged it above his head, making Tim lean down to reach. When he got close enough Conner kissed him and he immediately kissed back.

     "Mmm..." Tim licked his lips when they parted, "I love you, but you're still dead."


     Conner flipped them over so he was on top, pinning Tim's hands above his head while he wrapped his legs around Kons waist. Tim could have easily gotten on top again, but where's the fun in that?

     "Somebody help! i'm being attacked!" Tim cried out and started snickering.

     "Hey!" Conner blew on Tim's face, making him giggle, "I am not attacking you, I'm just.... dominating you." he blushed as soon as he said it.

     "Oh mr. kent, have you no shame?" Tim teased, "the first date and you already want to play with the danger noodle?"

     Kon rolled his eyes "this ain't my first rodeo, kid" Tim just snorted. Conner smiled and pressed a kiss to Tim's lips and then started wandering around his face. Tim hummed in a way that always gave Conner butterflies.

     He continued until he came back to Tim's mouth. They kissed for a while, slow and sweet, savoring the taste of each other. They parted and Conner rolled so they were laying side by side. Tim curled up against him.

     "You taste like peppermint" Tim said after a long silence. Conner pressed his face against the top of Tim's head.

     "Mm? Is that a good or bad thing?"

     Tim licked his lips and was silent. Then he shrugged.

     "I dunno," he moved up so they were face to face, "Let me taste again and maybe I'll decide."

((sorry this took so long, life sucks recently and writing's hard :( hope this story's okay, even though i wrote it at 2 am))

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