Her backstory...

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Back when she was a kid things seemed to change a lot and son - son didn't like the sound of that because she knew that when something new happens....the old won't always come back....

Whilst in the nursery she used to have a few friends and could only make a few efforts since she was too quiet and too shy to even show these kids how great she is ...even tho she's not which is what she thought in her head....

During breaks or lunch she would normally stay indoors rather than going outside to have fun because she always had that bad feeling of being " bullied " and " judged " by those kids who she cannot trust them at all under no circumstances and would end up badly injured . So what she would do is whether to play alone or finding lost things from her fav room which is the " the forgotten playroom "....

One day whilst son -son was playing alone as usual in the same room.......all of a sudden a random kid about 6 yrs old sneaked up on her and watched her as she was still playing and not realising that she's being watched by that kid behind her...tho she only felt a cold ....chilling presence of someone getting closer making her gulp in fear and shock...

As she stood up that's when the kid slowly put his hand on her shoulder making her feel slightly very uncomfortable and startled at the same time ....

As she turned around she could only see his devilish smirk on his plain face which almost suggested that ....he was going to do something on her.....

??? : hey there~ 

son : h - hey ... *stutters*

??? : watcha doing~ ? 

son : n - nothin....just playing alone.....*puts her fav toys down*

??? : why aren't ya goin outside with the rest eh~ ? *looks curious*

son : c - cuz ....I might get a cold.... *lies*

??? : ya know it's sunny right ? ...don't lie to me cutie~ !

son : ... *gulps*

??? : or maybe i should call you miss cutie~

son : s - s - ....

??? : hmm what's that ya want me to stop calling you a cutie~ ? *comes closer*

son : s -.......

??? : *all of  a sudden pushes her and pins her against a wall behind the corner of the door as he slowly opens the door hiding each other from people noticing them* hehe~

son : stop ...

??? : and why should i cutie since everyone knows you and calls you " the quiet girl "~ ?

son : b - b .....

??? : go on spit it out cutie~  *slowly wraps his arms around her waist smirking like a devil*

son : *quickly pushes him to the floor as she tries to escape*

??? : oh no you don't ! *quickly grabs her and pins her again but this time starts touching her inappropriately*

son : s - stop it plz i beg you !!!

???: well then better say sorry before i try to do something to you that you'll always regret and never forget~

son: *streams of tears began watering on her face as she begged more stop but he then continues touching her until the bells rang*

??? : *lets go of her* heh i hope someday you'll regret what I've done to you my cutie~

son : *falls to her knees as she suddenly blacks out with him leaving her behind in " the forgotten playroom "

It's been years since son - son could still remember that dark memory of being used by people . Just to tease you or make fun of you which by far....it changed her whole life. And yet she did regret what really happened to her but her biggest problem is the fact that no one would believe her such as her parents , her friends and even her close relatives..... plus she was to scared to tell them the truth because she was afraid that they would think that's it's nothing really important to them since they' re  all busy with their " happy lives whilst son - son on the other hand is not having any of this " happiness " and " freedom " and instead is being used and judged badly like " an old box " , being thrown out and used at the same time as it continues so on.....

Also if she was ever brave to tell them at least " something " to them then...well the solution she would honestly get is by being called a " liar "................

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