The Abby Diaries: Entry Eight

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April 28 * 8:14PM

Currently Reading: Queen Bees and Wannabes by Rosalind Wiseman

The more time I spend with Brooklyn, the more I like her.  We’re definitely different—no doubt about that—but for some reason, we actually get along really well. She’s funny, quirky and I can tell that she’s a good person.

            And that’s why, at the same time, I don’t get some of the things she does. For instance, her desire to be a part of The Elite and her need for their acceptance. Because as good as Brooklyn is, The Elite are the exact opposite of that. So how can someone so generous and loving, be attracted to something so…evil?

            It just doesn’t make sense.

            When I’ve asked her about it in the past, she’s given me some story about using popularity to do good in the world. Not that I think she’s lying…like I said, Brooklyn’s got a good heart, so she probably does plan on using her powers for positive things. But I think she’s also kidding herself if she doesn’t acknowledge that it’s not the only reason she wants to be a part of The Elite.

            For reasons I still don’t understand, she seems to have this need to be popular. For people to like her. That’s where she’s completely different than Asher and me. We just don’t care. There are much more important things to worry about in this world than your social status.

            I’ve been hoping she’ll grow out of this, but it doesn’t look like it’ll happen anytime soon. In the meantime, all I can do is watch from afar and gather as much information on them as I possibly can until the time comes that I can go back to Brooklyn with evidence of their horribleness. So far, they’re giving me plenty to work with.

            Case in point: the other day, Asher and I were in the cafeteria eating lunch, and The Elite were holding court at their usual table in the middle of the room. Brooklyn had been eating with them lately, but today, she’d finagled a lunch meeting with Ms. Zia, the school guidance counselor. Brooklyn had told Gigi and the others that she had a meeting with teacher, but I knew better. The real story was that Brooklyn and Ms. Zia were sort of friends. I think that she’d been Brooklyn’s only friend before Asher and I came around. And definitely before The Elite expressed any interest in her.

            Anyways, before Brooklyn gave herself the makeover, she used to spend most of her time with Ms. Zia in her office. I think she was sort of like an older sister to Brooklyn or something…

            Whatever the reason, Brooklyn had managed to escape the claws of The Elite for the day and so the group was left to their own devices. This meant it was a perfect time to sit and watch what they’d do when Brooklyn wasn’t around. And they didn’t disappoint.

            “So then Dad was like, ‘we can’t be worried about things that haven’t even happened yet.’ Mom was about to say something back, but then she saw me and they stopped talking. What could they be worried about? They have, like, the perfect family,” Asher said. I only partly heard what he was saying though, because my eyes and ears were trained on The Elite. We were all the way across the lunchroom from them, but I’d done a spell in the bathroom before entering the caf, which gave me super-sonic hearing when I concentrated on the objects of my desire. Today, it was The Elite.

            I thought I’d been doing a good job of at least looking interested in what Asher was saying, but when I didn’t answer him right away, he turned to look over his shoulder. “What’s got you so distracted, sis?”

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