The Abby Diaries: Entry Eleven

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May 21 * 1:47AM

Currently Reading: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

I have this impending sense of doom that I just can’t shake. I don’t know if it’s my intuition telling me that my whole world is about to fall apart or if it’s just my conscious’s way of reacting to all that’s already gone down. Whatever the reason, I feel awful.

            And the thing is, I’m not typically a drama queen. It takes a lot to stress me out. Even on the occasion that something does bug me, I’m usually able to get over it pretty quickly. Because the truth is, my world is usually pretty easy-going. But lately that’s changed. Suddenly, everything seems much more complicated. Both at school and at home.

            Today, for instance, really threw me off. So much so, that I haven’t even been able to read a book, because I’m way too distracted.

            The weirdness started off at school.

            I was hanging at Brooklyn’s locker before our next period when all of a sudden the hallway became a verbal warzone.

            This girl Shayla confronted Eliza in front of everyone. At first I had no idea what they were yelling about and was frankly, a bit shocked to see someone as quiet and shy as Shayla starting something with a member of The Elite. But when I realized why, I totally understood.

            The drama was all about a guy.

Eliza was apparently now dating Shayla’s ex-bea, Tucker, which was news to me. It was also completely weird. For one, Eliza so wasn’t Tucker’s type. Two, I’d known both Shayla and Tucker for years now and they’d been in love for as long as I could remember. The fact that they’d only just gotten together didn’t diminish their feelings for each other.

But the biggest shock came when I learned—along with most of the student body—that Brooklyn had set the two of them up. Of course, this wasn’t just a friend setting another up kind of situation. I knew better. Brooklyn had cupid-like powers and could match people up.

In her defense, Brooklyn looked horrified when she saw the two girls fighting. In fact, she seemed just as surprised as I was that it was happening. But then she did nothing.

I don’t know if she was scared of Eliza or maybe she just felt guilty over her part in the whole thing, but Brooklyn didn’t even try to step in and diffuse the situation. It was difficult to watch.

And the truth was…I was disappointed.

Disappointed and a little scared for my brother. Finding out that Brooklyn helped break up a happy couple was going to kill Asher. And they’d already been having their issues, so this wasn’t going to help.

But as much as I loved Brooklyn and wanted to see them stay together, he had to know what she’d done. I’d never kept anything from him in the past and I wasn’t about to start now. Not with something this serious.

I left Brooklyn standing alone in the middle of the hallway after Shayla had run off humiliated and went to find my brother.

I racked my brain for which class Asher had next and headed straight for it. My head was swirling as I thought about what I’d say when I found him. If it were me, I’d want to be given the news fast. Like pulling off a band-aid.

But my brother was a bit more emotional than me. Not that he showed this side of himself to many people, but I knew he could be sensitive. And this was his first girlfriend. Possibly his first love. How do you tell someone that their girlfriend is no longer Glinda the good witch?

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