I've Missed You

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Daoming Si shifted on the tiny bed Shancai's parents had set up for him. His back hurt a little, and he scratched his head as he sat up and checked the time. 1 a.m. his phone screen announced. Personally, he thought Shancai should have let him sleep on her bed, since it was bigger and she was freaking pixie sized. But Shancai was Shancai, and she instead kicked him and told him to move over to this smaller bed. Well it's definitely not my bed, but I'll live, he thought as he flopped back onto the bed. Shancai groaned as she was woken up by the noise. "Daoming Si, what on earth are you doing?" she sleepily asked, rubbing her eyes. Ah Si smiled apologetically and shook his head, "Sorry, it's nothing. You can go back to sleep."

Shancai frowned and she shifted onto her side to face the Daoming heir, resting her cheek in the palm of her hand. "Doesn't sound like nothing, what's the matter?" Ah Si rose an eyebrow at her, seemed that being half-asleep had taken away her usual energy to bicker with him. "Why are you so interested? Don't tell me you've come to care for me." he countered, his voice taking on a light teasing tone. However, a small part of him couldn't help but hope his absence might have stirred something in the younger woman. He definitely had fallen that tiny bit harder for her during his couple of days away in London, especially after Lei had voiced that in his opinion, Shancai had developed feelings for him. How he longed for that to true!

Shancai flushed pink at his words. "Jerk," she shot back, "I ask what's the matter with you and you say weird things like that. Forget it." With that, she fell back onto the bed with her back to Ah Si in a feeble attempt to hide her blush. Of course, he'd already noticed it even with the darkness of the room. Cute cute cute, he thought as he looked at the back of her head. "Alright, alright," he relented, "I'll cut it out. You're just too cute when you're flustered." The color on Shancai's cheeks deepened at his playful flirting, and her heart gave an involuntary flutter. Without thinking, she blurted out the question that had been buzzing around in her mind ever since the Daoming heir had followed her home. "Are your friends and school really why you came back?" Ah Si was taken aback by her question. Of course, he'd come back for her, but he wasn't about to tell her that, so he lied, "Yeah, why else would I come back?" Shancai wasn't buying the lie at all. He sucks at lying, she said, and snickered under her breath.

He shot her a halfhearted glare, "What's so funny?" Shancai smiled and said, "You're such a bad liar, if you really came back for the F4, why'd you come here first?" Damn, she had him there, he didn't answer her. Deciding to use his words against him, she nudged his side, and teased, "Don't tell me the great Daoming Si missed me that much." So that's how she wants to play it, he thought, quirking an eyebrow as he suddenly launched at her, playfully wrestling her onto her back so he was looming over her. She yelped in surprise when her back hit the mattress and her cheeks burned when she realized how close his face was to hers. "So what if I did?" he said in a low voice, "Sue me, you already know how I feel about you. But what about you?" Shancai gasped, she'd thought that he'd hated her, especially after she'd broken his heart. "I..." she let herself trail off. "Yes?" he prodded. Shancai's blush darkened as she told him the truth. "I've missed you, I've missed our bickering, I've been working a lot to take my mind off it, but my thoughts always drifted to you, wondering what you were doing and why you left."

Ah Si felt his heart give a happy flutter, so he'd finally broken down her walls. Deciding to take a risk, he kissed her gently, replying when he pulled away, "I've missed you, too, Shancai. I'm sorry I made you worry. I promise I won't go away again." Shancai nodded, then let out a tiny yawn. "We should get some sleep," Ah Si said, returning to his tiny borrowed bed. Shancai tugged his sleeve, and he turned. "What?" he asked. Shancai scoot over and asked him to stay with her. He happily accepted her offer, tugging her so her head lay on his chest. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Goodnight Shancai." She adjusted her head, letting his steady heartbeat lull her to sleep, "Goodnight, Daoming Si."

That was how Shancai's parents found them in the morning, curled up together under the covers, peacefully sleeping. They exchanged a look. "I think that they've made up." Dong Zhang Li told her husband, "now let them rest a while longer," she added before closing the door.

Author's note
Wow another oneshot series. Enjoy

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