My Strength

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Author's Note
This was written for coexistantLilli. I hope I did this justice, Lilli. Hope you enjoy!
The thugs that had kidnapped Shancai ran away as they began to hear the first wails of police sirens. Daoming Si was on the ground, and he wasn't moving. Shancai's blood ran cold, what if his body had given up? "Daoming Si? Daoming Si! Wake up!" she cried in a panicked voice. Please, please don't leave me, she thought. Her face hurt as she had taken the final blow in his place, she was sure she was going to have a nasty black eye. Shancai fell to her knees, desperate for the Daoming heir to awaken. She could see his chest rising and falling, he's alive, thank goodness, Shancai thought as Daoming Si weakly opened his eyes. "Are you alright?" she blurted, immediately feeling stupid. "Of course I'm not okay," he panted, his breathing labored, he'd probably had a broken rib or two. Because of me, Shancai thought as she began to cry.

"You idiot!" Shancai said as tears streamed down her face, "Why did you come here? Why didn't you fight back?" Despite her begging the heavens, Daoming Si had come to this godforsaken abandoned warehouse. With a blade pressed against her throat, she'd been forced to listen to the Daoming heir be beaten mercilessly. Ah Si sat up as best he could in his battered state, and put his hands on Shancai's arms, looking her straight in the eye. "If I'd fought back, then I would have really lost," he whispered to her. Ah Si wanted her to know that none of this had been her fault, he wished he could stand and calm her down, but he was in too much pain. He coughed up more blood before fainting from his injuries.

Shancai let out a broken cry, "Daoming Si! Please wake up! Daoming Si!" He didn't respond, and Shancai put her head on his chest while screaming for help. Then everything went black...

"Daoming Si! What are you doing? It's dangerous"
They were on a beach, Shancai and Daoming Si. He was going to close to the water, and Shancai tried to chase after him, but her legs failed her as she tumbled face first onto the sand. For some reason, she was unable to stand back, and she called out his name again. 'You dumbass,' she thought, 'you'll drown."

The Daoming heir turned to her, asking, "You hate me, right?" Shancai vehemently shook her head, "I don't hate you." Ah Si gave her a small, sad smile, "Well, whether you like me or hate me, it doesn't matter anymore." Then he took one last glance at her, and said, "Goodbye." "No! Daoming Si, wait! This is my fault! Wait!" Shancai cried, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. Shancai watched in horror as he waded further into the water and a wave swallowed him whole.

"Don't...Don't go!" she cried as she came to. Her mother and father fussed over her, helping her into a sitting position. Shancai groaned in pain, her head was throbbing. "Dad? Mom? Where am I?" Her parents informed her that she and Daoming Si had been sent to the hospital after the police had found their injured forms in the abandoned warehouse. As her parents began to demand to know who had hurt her, all Shancai could think about was Daoming Si. What if? No, he can't, she thought as she leapt to her feet, desperate to see him. She barely registered her parents call after her as she began to dash down the hospital hallway, searching for the Daoming heir's hospital room, slowing only when a nurse asked her not to run.

"Huaze Lei, where's Daoming Si?" Shancai asked as soon as she'd spotted him sitting down nearby. He rose to his feet, and with an unreadable look on his face, pointed in the direction of Ah Si's room. Why does he look like that? Shancai thought, her stomach turning as she walked to the door Lei had pointed at. As she did, Shancai thought of that awful moment when Ah Si had held her. His blood smeared lips, his labored breathing, and the bruises on his face. What did you mean you would have lost? she thought as she stopped in front of his door. She knew for a fact that the Daoming heir could very well hold his own in a fight, even with multiple opponents. So why had he so willingly taken a violent beating? That stupid boy, he'd even taunted them!

Shancai slowly opened the door, and felt her heart drop to her stomach. Ximen and Meizuo didn't turn from the bed, where Shancai saw a figure covered in a white sheet. She wanted to vomit when Ximen said, "You're too late. Ah Si passed peacefully." No, please no, Shancai thought as she pulled back the sheet, and a strangled sob fell from her lips. "Daoming Si, wake up! You can't die! I haven't apologized yet," she lamented. Shancai continued to cry, she wanted the Daoming heir back with her. Even she was surprised by how much she'd grown attached to Daoming Si, and now it was too late. "You did so many bad things to me, I haven't dealt with you yet," she cried, badly wanting him to wake up and bicker with her. As she continued to sob, she heard a male voice say through laughter, "What are you saying? Is that any way to speak to a patient?"

Shancai lifted her head to see Daoming Si giggling like a child alongside his friends. She sat in shock as she realized that the F4 has played a cruel prank on her. What an asshole! she thought as she pounced on him, straddling him as she leaned into his face. "You bad boy, do you want to scare me to death? I'm going to kill you," she shrieked as she wrapped her small fingers around his throat, effectively wiping the shit eating grin off of the Daoming heir's face. "Hey! Stop!" he wheezed in protest, "I broke three ribs, and yet this stupid girl is sitting on me." "Who told you to play a prank on me?" Shancai yelled, invading more of his personal space until they were nose to nose, her hair tickling Ah Si's face.

Ah Si held her gaze as she did so, relieved that Shancai was more than okay. "Miss," he said quietly, "when are you going to get off? It hurts." Truth was, he didn't want to let go of her, but he was already struggling to breathe with three broken ribs, the added pressure wasn't helping much. Shancai awkwardly leaned further back on his lap. "Ahem," Ximen noisily cleared his throat, reminding Ah Si and Shancai of the others' presence, "Maybe we should leave you two lovebirds alone," he said before turning to leave the hospital room, Meizuo and Lei hot on his heels.

Shancai got off of Ah Si's lap and sat in the chair beside the bed, very pointedly not looking at him. Ah Si propped himself into a sitting position, albeit with great difficulty as every movement hurt right now. "Hey, is that any way to treat a patient? I saved your life!" he said in his usual arrogant tone. Shancai whirled toward him, stood up and smacked him on the arm. "You idiot! You nearly died! I dreamed that you died and then you go and play that stupid prank on me!" Suddenly, the idea of a world without Daoming Si in it was too much, and Shancai began to cry, burying her face in his shoulder. "You're an asshole," she whimpered, her tone containing no real venom as she continued to weep.

Ah Si felt a stab of guilt as he felt his sleeve become soaked with the tears of the woman he loved. "Shancai," he said gently, "Shancai, look at me." Shancai picked her head up, her eyes red. Ah Si cupped her cheeks, his thumbs brushing her tears away as he spoke. "I'm sorry, I didn't think it through. But look at me, I'm alive and I'm going to be fine. So please stop crying, it worries me." Shancai sniffled, then asked, "Why didn't you fight back? You could have easily beaten them." Ah Si's eyes darkened, "I wouldn't have done it, I'd have lost." Shancai shook her head, still not understanding what he meant, "I'm not stupid, I've seen you fight." Ah Si grabbed her shoulders and shook her gently, "You stupid girl, I couldn't risk you getting hurt! Don't you know that you're the most important person to me?!"

Shancai flushed at his words, "W-What?" she stammered. Ah Si pressed his forehead to hers as he repeated, "You're the most important person in my life. I would never have forgiven myself if you'd gotten hurt...or worse." Shancai sniffled as tears began to trail down her face again, "But you could have been killed, Daoming Si. They wanted to kill you." Ah Si pulled her into a gentle hug, which she reciprocated, being careful not to further hurt the Daoming heir, and replied, "Those cowards couldn't kill me in a million years. When they were hitting me, all I could think was, if Shancai gets out of this okay, then I'll have the strength to do it, too." He pulled back to look her in the eye, "Because you've become my strength. I need you in my life in order to keep going."

Ah Si leaned in, and Shancai closed the gap, their lips meeting in a soft kiss. Shancai's hands came up to cradle his face, his five o'clock shadow grazing against her fingertips as they continued to kiss. Shancai pulled away, her cheeks bright pink. "I've come to need you in my life, too," she said quietly, "You were my strength during so many challenging times, and I never fully saw it until you were nearly torn from my side." Ah Si leaned his cheek into her hand, then said, "Let's be together, Shancai. We'll be each other's strength through thick and thin."

Shancai smiled as she nodded, ready to face whatever challenges came their way. "Yes," she said, "Through the good and bad, I'll be with you."

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