Raiden| Courtship

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I wanna start off with Raiden cuz He's my fave. Also Rip Lord Raiden, don't worry he's not ded, he's just not god anymore.


Fujin has created a chatroom

Fujin has invited Cass, Jacqui, Takeda, Jin

Fujin:  greetings young earthrealmers! I  would like to confess some riveting secret I have just uncovered

Fujin: and since I have been informed that you're generation enjoy little gossips, I wish to entrust these secrets to you

Cass:  I mean... You're not wrong

Jin:  I did not take you for one to gossip, I'm certainly honored to witness it

Takeda:  even so, if it's a secret, we shouldn't know about it?? Respect other people's privacy??

Fujin:  (I am no god of Secrets so I do what I want biatch :) don't think I don't know you listening to other people's minds to get some juicy info, so don't put up that voice of reasons bullshit on me)

Takeda:  omgggggggg

Jacqui:  spill em tea wind god!

Fujin:  it's about Lord Raiden

Kung Lao joins the chat

Kung Lao:  my kung senses are tingling, someone's gonna talk shit about Raiden

Liu Kang joins the chat

Liu Kang:  that's highly inappropriate of you Lao

Kung Lao:  someone's gonna talk feces about Raiden

Takeda:  you're a bad influence on your cousin Jin

Jin: so :V

Kung Lao:  ohhh I see now

Kung Lao:  Juicy secrets I see ;)))

Cass:  it's probably something embarrassing, but knowing Raiden, it's probably not, who knows. that's why Fujin is our gossip god

Kung Lao:  but I wanna hear some too

Jacqui: sorry bruh it's a new generation thing you might not understand


Liu Kang:  you guys are unbelievable, I do not wish to partake in this

Liu Kang left the chat

Kung Lao invites Liu Kang in the chat

Kung Lao: no! You're staying here! This is a once in a life time opportunity, who knows what riveting secrets Lord Raiden has been keeping from us

Takeda: I'm betting that Raiden's gonna find out about this soon and is gonna kick you're ass

Liu Kang:  as you young ones say, 'ditto'

Cass:  speak on his behalf!

Fujin:  Raiden is courting someone...

Takeda:  shocking

Takeda:  no seriously shocking! How?!

Jin:  who is it!?

Fujin:  from what I have discovered in the letters, he is courting the sun goddess Amaterasu but he mostly address by her earthly name (y/n). Which is simply baffling since he's been hiding this for 5 years and never told me even once. Why did he not tell me? I'm his best friend for eons? How did this happen? How did I not see the signs? I discovered this by accident by the way. He told this to Bo Rai Cho first and not me? Why did they entrust him of their relationship and not me!? WHY!?!

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