Lost in Time

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8 years ago

"They killed him, Sadie! They shot Gert right in front of me! They murdered my own brother in cold blood!"

"Steve, calm down," a soothing woman's voice sounded. "Did they see you at all?"

"I think so," the worried voice spoke again. "I was hiding by the wall but I think the saw me when I went to run away. But we have to call the police!"

"Steve, honey, it's not safe. If they saw you they're probably coming here right now. We need to get the boys to safety. We can go to the cabin..."

Ryder's parent's voices drowned out as he ran to his brother's bedroom to tell him what he had just overheard. Ryder shoved open the door to his 13-year-old brother's room, calling out his name.

"Flynn!" 9-year-old Ryder saw his brother on his bed. "Flynn! Uncle Gert was just shot!"

At this Flynn jumped off his bed and grabbed hold of his little brother's shoulders. "What happened?" he questioned Ryder.

"I don't know," Ryder said shakily, trying to remember what exactly he had heard their parents saying, "but Dad saw it and now they are after him."

"Who, Ryder?" Flynn asked. "Who is after Dad?"

"I don't know," Ryder repeated. Just then a loud gunshot rang out. Then another. Ryder screamed, but Flynn quickly put a hand over his mouth. A few seconds later, a door slammed. After peeking out the door, Flynn saw that it was safe and motioned for Ryder to follow him.

As they quietly made their way through the house, Flynn suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. Because, right in front of him, was their father, chest covered in blood. Flynn knelt down beside him and checked his pulse. He looked up to his little brother - who he always felt protective and responsible for - and shook his head. Ryder started sobbing, and as he turned his head, he saw another form lying on the ground.

"Mom!" Ryder rushed to his mother's side, hugging her blood-covered body to his own. Seconds later Flynn was by his side. He checked her pulse as well.

"There's a faint pulse," he told Ryder. "She's still alive, but she won't be for long."

"We should call an ambulance or something!" little Ryder said, but his brother just shook his head.

"She won't make it," he told Ryder gently, tears streaming down both of their faces. Their mother made a faint sound.

"Mom!" Ryder palmed her face. "Mom?"

"Ry, Flynn," their mother whispered with all her strength, "I love you. Never forget that. Flynn, take care of your brother. You will need to be safe now more than ever. I love you."

With that, Sadie James took her last breath and died in her son's arms.


"Ryder? Ry?" Ryder shook his head as he came back into the present.

"Sorry...I was just remembering..." Ryder trailed off. "It's late, I have to go."

Ryder stood up from his seat and handing Caddy back to JB. "Are you sure?" she asked, slightly worried.

"Yeah, I have something to do back at the trailer." Ryder walked around the house and through the gate leading to the road. Tyler gave Mercy a quick kiss and then left to follow his friend. I just hoped Ryder was alright. I don't know what I would do without him.


It was later that night when Ty and Ryder were getting their dinner when Ryder had another flashback. This one back to a few days after his parents were killed.

"I'm going to miss you, Ry," Flynn said to Ryder as he hugged him tightly. "I love you, you know."

"Yeah, I know, Ryder squeezed his brother even tighter. "And I love you too."

"Ryder, we have to go, it's not safe here," their Aunty Jo spoke to Ryder gently.

"It's not safe anywhere," Ry complained.

"That's because the Jaguars know that we know that they killed Uncle Gert and our parents," Flynn explained.

"I know, I know," Ryder mumbled. "I wish this never happened.

"We all do, sweetie," Aunty Jo joined their hug. "We all do."

A few minutes later Ryder sat in the back seat of the car, watching his brother until he faded into the distance. "Where are we going again?" he questioned his Dad's sister, his Aunty who had helped them through a lot and now this.

"A small town called Riverdale," she answered from the driver's seat. "And your brother is going to Shadow Lake. It's not safe for you to be together."

"It not safe for anything anymore," Ryder grumbled as he stared out the window at the passing countryside. "I hate not being safe."


"Are you alright, Ry?" Tyler came to Ryder's side and placed a hand on his best friend's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm just... Some of my memories are coming back to me," Ryder said quietly. "One's I tried to forget."

A little while later, Ryder and Ty were in the middle of watching the Footy game when there was a knock on the trailer's door. Ryder got up to see who it was. Opening the door, he gaped.

"Hey little bro," the man standing on the small porch greeted Ryder with a slight smile. "Been a long time."

"Flynn?" Ryder gasped. "What - what on Earth are you doing here?"

"I need your help."

Author's Note: I was thinking what Ryder's brother's name should be, and I thought of Flynn, then my friend pointed out to me that the character in the movie 'Tangled' is Flynn Rider. Lol! But I like the name so I'm keeping it. I do have stuff planned for Flynn - and a love interest ;) - so stay tuned for that. 

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