Part 3

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"Let me pass," said Virat quietly.

"No," said Rohit.

"Rohit. Let. Me. Pass."


For a moment Virat looked as though he might hit Rohit, but instead he sank down on the nearest bench and buried his face in his hands.

"You all are always going after me. They haven't given me a moment's peace since...and now you too, Rohit..."

Virat sounded really close to tears. Rohit wondered awkwardly how he could possibly deal with a crying Virat.

"You think we're doing it to annoy you? We're not, you know. I don't want to see you moping around and hurting yourself just because of a girl," said Rohit.

"What is it to you?" whispered Virat, looking up at last, his eyes red and teary.

Rohit rolled his eyes.

"It can't be because I care for my friend, can it? Oh no, that would be way too obvious!" said Rohit, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Virat stared at Rohit silently. The tears escaped his eyes and fell down his cheeks.

"Virat..." began Rohit helplessly, extending his arms.

Then Virat did something he was ashamed of all his life. He threw himself into Rohit's arms and grasped his shirt, crying stormily on his shoulder.

Feeling horrified but strangely warm, Rohit hugged his miserable best friend and patted his back till he stopped sobbing.

"I love her," mumbled Virat.

"And she'll come running back to you before two months have gone by. Mark my words," said Rohit.

"Do you really, really think that?" asked Virat, his voice muffled in Rohit's shoulder, but Rohit was relieved to hear that he seemed to have stopped crying.

Could Anushka really leave this 10 year old kid in the form of a good looking 27 year old man? Rohit admitted she had to be pretty hard hearted for that.

"Yes, I do. I'm sure she'll come back," said Rohit.

Virat sniffed.

"Well, almost 90% sure," conceded Rohit.

Virat gave a sudden muffled laugh.

"Are you going to let me go now?" asked Rohit ironically.

Virat hastily released his hold on Rohit and stepped back, beginning to feel mortified.

"You won't bring this up the next time we have a run out fight?" asked Virat anxiously.

"Oh, I definitely will," said Rohit, grinning wickedly. "I'll bring this up every time after this."

And in spite of the death glare Virat gave Rohit now, he realised he didn't mind even if Rohit did bring this up every time after this.

What else were friends for, anyway?

What They Couldn't Do (A Rohit-Virat Friendship Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now