Chapter 1

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Phone buzzes 6:10am
Caiti wakes up and pick her camera remember she is a YouTuber and it's first day of high school had to make a grwm vlog (then she starts vlog you know those YouTuber things ) then the time she had to drop the camera she was so hyped she just can wait to start high school another chapter of her life has begun so she got a shower and got dressed in a cute outfit a low waisted black jeans with a yellow short top ( not a crop top) but the top that reaches her stomach so not that much skin is showing then get a hoodie and ties it around her waist she is actually a makeup YouTuber and of course she had to do some makeup then she turn her camera on and started doing the most natural makeup she could do cause you don't want to get roasted on your first day and Natalie screams from the kitchen ( that's her mom ) "Caiti what are you still doing up there" am coming mom responded Caiti then she did the remaining thing she had to do and ran to the kitchen then eat come breakfast and went to the bus top ( the parent always left before she wakes up but today mom and a late shift for 7:50 am and couldn't drop Caiti of school then she gets to school and did the usually first day of school things but didn't really talk to any one just regular conversation then came back home filmed her video and fell on the bed.
But she did apply for cheerleading and dance and overall everything was ok.

The next morning 6:00am
Now mom and dad aren't home and she's home alone but she does have brothers but not that much to think about so she had in mind that today I will socialize more and make more cheer friends.
So first period was math and it was so fun for her "never in life thing people come to you to be friends that sounds so wrong" and she met this boy named Cole and that is their only class together but the did click so it was time for cheerleading and she met this girl Avery and the were both new peeps and it was so fun in school that Caiti knew that she will love this place. )
. Never expect someone to come to you to ask you for a friend that sounds so weird is like you are a brat but sometimes people come to you to ask for a friend and maybe they want to use you but just start in an occasional way like in math class you ask a person a question.

The end of this chapter hope you enjoyed it :)

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