Mortal Kombat

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Sorry it took me so long to make one but it's getting to the last month of school. So I've been busy with homework finishing projects and doing online driving courses and barely had time to make any stories. Good news is I have 3 day weekends now so I have more time.

Also I think I'm going to keep the cavalry battle how it is if I put in too much drama then I'd totally be going away from what this story actually is a comedy.

"Now for the teams that made it into the finals." Midnight said showing Bakugou, Izuku, Todoroki, and Shinsou's teams. (Which weren't mind controlled)

"Yes finals here we come." Kirishima shouts as he high fives Rin and Sero.

"Now the final fight is simple a tournament by combat. You will fight on the top of a volcano until all but one of you fall into a volcano." Midnight shouts till her phone started ringing.

"Yes hello. What we can't do that. To dangerous they're planning to become heroes they can handle it. Fine will do it your way." Midnight said putting her phone away.

"Okay so the author said it was to dangerous and Izuku would win anyway sent's no one would want to throw him in. So will have a boring canon tournament." Midnight said with a sigh as she looked at Cementoss who nodded and started making a stage.

Everyone else just went to the buffet that was made for them to eat. Izuku stole all the fish on the table which a few people tried to take it from him. This ended up with Mineta buried in a wall, Itsuka knocked out, Iida missing his glasses and somehow has his legs underground.

It took about half an hour to make the stage. Everyone on each team stood waiting for them to find out who they fight.

"And now for the battle. Midnight shouts and everyone sees the match ups.

Izuku vs Kirishima

Sero vs Mei

Todoroki vs Tokoyami

Momo vs Bakugou

Kosei vs Ojiro

Aoyama vs Hitoshi

Iida vs Nirengeki

Uraraka vs Rin

"Now then who will win this tournament." Midnight shouts

"Alright everyone to start this off we have the trigger happy kitten. The one ready to blow up anyone in his way. And it's not Bakugou but Izuku Midoriya." Present Mic said before suddenly the four corners of the ring blew up in fire when Izuku went into the ring (Kane style)

"Vs the boy who's quirk makes him the perfect defense and an unstoppable attack Kirishima Eijiro." Present Mic shouts as Kirishima just enters the ring gloomy.

"Why does Izuku get such a flashy entrance he's not even a student here." Kirishima said

"Begin" Midnight shouts as Izuku goes to tackle Kirishima.

He climbs on Kirishima and starts biting Kirishima's head. Kirishima just uses his quirk to keep his head safe.

"Nom nom nom nom." Izuku was making chewing sounds while attacking.

Kirishima just picks him up and drags him to the edge of the arena. But before Kirishima could drop him Izuku uses his tail t make  Kirishima fall backwards and then lifts Kirishima up with his tail and drops him.

"And the winner is Izuku Midoriya."

Sero and Mei was just Mei using her gadgets on Sero like a 1 million volt lipstick taser, freeze ray with a flamethrower function among other things by the end Sero was on the ground half frozen half burned.

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