It's Okay we are here...

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Jin's POV

I heard a machine sound and I slowly opened my eyes, I looked around all I can see is white Did I die? Where am I?..

"You feel so good Seokjin, your so fucking tight!"

Scream and cries roams the room "Jin, calm down its okay you are safe!" I felt a warm hug, I looked to him. "N-namjoon hyung?" I said "Yes it's me, everything's fine okay? You are safe" he said and then I hug him so tight "Hyung!!!" and cries so much "Jinnie-ah Taehyung hyung is here too" Taehyung hyung hugs me "I thought you left me hyung deul" they pat my head "We will never, Hyungs are sorry Jin we didn't know that D-dad hurt you so much" "W-where is Dad? P-please don't bring me back to him please!" I sobbed "You will stay with us now, Dad he run away when we after him he was shot by the police they don't have a choice but do it" Namjoon hyung caressed my back, the door opened and I saw 4 people came inside. I clutch on Taehyung hyung's shirt "You're brother is awake" the black jet haired man said "Jinnie don't be afraid okay? They are hyungs friends; we are roommates meaning you will also living with them and you will also going to transfer in our school." Namjoon hyung said "We will not going to let you go again like that, not just as but also our friends they can be your brothers as well"

"E-even if n-no one wants me?" I asked my hyungs "Shh.. don't think about it we want you Jinnie okay? We love you remember that" Taehyung hyung said "B-but Dad said you don't need me that's why you left" "Don't listen to him, forget him Seokjin we will never leave you we will be always by your side" Namjoon hyung said as he patted my shoulders. Is it really true that they want me?

No one's POV

Hours later the younger brother fell asleep and they seated in the room "Look at him he is so thin, if only we notice this sooner" Yoongi pat Taehyung's head "Hey it's not your fault neither Namjoon" he said "Yoongi hyung is right, it's no one's fault " Jimin said "I promise this will never again... ever" Namjoon said..

-A week later-

"Home sweet some Jin!" Taehyung said as he hold Jin's luggage "Am I really uhm I mean is it really okay to stay here?" Jin asked "Of course it is, come let's go inside" Namjoon said and they entered the dorm "We're back" "Oh Namjoon hyung perfect timing, Yoongi hyung finished cooking, foods' ready!!!" Jungkook said as he sets the table.

Jin sat beside Taehyung at first he doesn't want to eat but later he did.

"This is your room, Namjoon and Taehyung's room is beside yours so if you need anything you can just knock to their doors and you may also need our help so it's okay" Hoseok said "Uhm t-thanks" with that Hoseok left. He looked outside of the window, "the view its nice and tomorrow I'll start attending school again I'm afraid what if no one will become my friend there? Am I belong there?.."




"Seokjin?" Jin flinch as he heard my name, he start panicking "A-appa, mianhae please don't hurt me" he pleaded and kneeled down "Hey.. hey Seokjin!" Namjoon wraps his arms around his brother "P-please don't hurt me.. Appa" Namjoon caressed his back "Shh.. don't cry Jinnie.. Appa is not here anymore and no one will going to hurt you again we promised that didn't we?" Taehyung came inside along with others "What happened hyung?" Taehyung asked "He got feel scared I guess its because of his trauma" Namjoon replied "Jinnie-ah...Hyung is here don't cry okay? See these guys again? They are hyung's friends and they will be also your new brothers with us here no one will hurt you nor neglect you please believe in us" Taehyung hugged also his younger brother and the rest also did the same. Jin just nodded and let him feel these warm embrace.

Yoongi's POV

After minutes Jin fell asleep and Jungkook put him on the bed then we went outside of his room. "He's been through a lot" Jimin said "We know he is also traumatized, tomorrow we will accompany him until he is fully recovered from those bad memories." Jungkook said, then Hoseok's phone vibrates "What is it Hobi hyung?" Taehyung asked "It's from one of our men they said some people stole our new arrival guns" Hoseok said "We better go, but we can't leave Jin alone" I said "Jimin you will stay here with Jin if ever he wakes up you know what to do, Suga ready our car, Jhope prepare the guns, V bring your laptop and look at our cam, and JK take some explosives.. now go!" Namjoon ordered and we do our task.





"Ready? Let's go" RM said then we wear our masks and head off to our dark place..

-If you notice the cover.. Exolover61 is my previous account name in

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