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Jin's POV

"Here's the faculty room for middle school, you have your form right?" Taehyung hyung asked "Yes I have it" I replied "Okay I better go now *ruffles my hair* take care and tell me if someone hurt you arra?" he said "Yes hyung I will" he starts to walk away.


"Come in" I opened the door and went inside "Hmm why are you here for?" a guy asked "Uhm I'm t-the new student inn this department" I said shyly "Give me your form" I gave my form "You are in my class; come" he stands then I follow him "You don't have to be nervous okay? If something is bothering you tell me, by the way I am Hwang Chiyeol your Chinese language teacher" he said. He is nice we reached the room.

"Sit on your chairs now!" Chiyeol seongsaenim said "We have a new student I want you to be nice to him okay? Come inside" I entered the class I can sense that everyone's eyes are on mine "Uhm I'm Kim Seokjin n-nice to meet you all" I bowed "Okay Seokjin you see that seat beside that window? That is your seat" Chiyeol seongsaenim said, I nodded and went to my seat. I think it's nice "Now turn your book on page 132" I took out my book and our class starts.

-Hours later-

*School bell*

"Okay that's it for today, goodbye" the teacher left, I put my book inside then someone calls me "Hey! Kim Seokjin!" I flinch a little "Y-yes?" I said "You did great in the audition earlier, I'm Cha Hakyeon but my friends call me N" Hakyeon said "Oh you watched?" I asked "Yes and everyone in MIA" Everyone watched?! Why didn't I notice that?! "What subject is your next?" he asked "Oh uhmm... its music" I showed him my subject list "Hey we are in the same class except basic mathematics" "Ohh.. it's okay at least we are classmates in the other classes" I said "Let's go to our next class?" I nodded as we went out the room some guys are talking.

"Look at that new student he's so cute"

"Yeah I mean look at that butt so squishy I can't wait to have fun with him"

"I wanna hear him screaming my name"

I heard their laughter I froze as I remembered my dad's words.

"You're so good! You little whore!"

"N-no..." I bit my lip "Hey you!" a girl stands in front of me "I don't care who you are but stay away from our Princes! I don't know why they perform with you but you are not worth being with them!" I can feel that I am shivering not form cold but on what they are saying to me "Hey stop that! Come Seokjin!" Hakyeon grabbed my hand we left the hallway. He dragged me to a room "Hey are you okay?" he asked, I tried to tell him that I am fine but no words came out of my mouth "Seokjin? Hey!" I collapsed on the floor and having a hard breathing, I looked at Hakyeon who is worrying now "I will call a friend I think he know what to do.

"Hello? Yah Jaehwan-ah! Can you come to the empty room? Where we are always staying, you can bring the others if you want to but I have emergency here!"

"Seokjin-ah I called my friend but you have to breathe well" Hakyeon hold me to his arms and tries to calm me down.

"N hyung!" I heard some people called Hakyeon "Jaehwan-ah help Seokjin!" he said "J-jinnie?!" that voice is familiar. "Yah breathe in and out!" I opened my eyes and saw him my very first friend "K-ken?" I said "Yes it is me now calm down" he said.

-Minutes later-

"Are you okay now Seokjin?" Hakyeon asked "Y-yes thank you" I said "How did you end up here in Mikrokosmos?" Ken asked "I take that question back to you, I am here because of my brothers" I replied "Well me and Sandeul transferred here, he is in the other floor, oh yeah you should meet my friends. So you already know Hakyeon he is 1 year older than us along with Taekwoon hyung we call him Leo, this is Wonshik he goes by the name Ravi, the one beside him is his twin brother Hongbin and this is Hakyeon hyung's brother Sanghyuk of Hyuk" Ken said "Now what happened why are you having that attack?" I don't want to tell him but my emotions takes over; I cried and told them what happened to me really.

"He better off dead! My gosh if I knew what is going on with you I better take you with us!" Ken said "Oh my innocent friend! I won't let those filthy hands touch you again!" Hakyeon hyung hugged me. "Your brothers are Kim Namjoon and Kim Taehyung wow they are super famous here in MIA" Ravi said "Yeah but I don't want to trouble them" I said "Don't tell us that you will not tell this to them?" Hongbin asked "Y-yeah I won't" "But you will get hurt again!" Hyuk said, I just smiled "I'll be fine as long as I am not hurting anyone" I replied "But you are hurting" Leo hyung said "Don't worry guys I'll be fine I promise." I just looked outside the window; I don't want my brothers and their friends to worried about me they already took me in its enough. I don't want to be a burden to them..

No one's POV

The six of them are having their music class, as expected they topped the class. Most of the girls asked Jimin and Taehyung about Jin they just evade the questions.

"Guys let's go to the cafeteria I'm hungry" Taehyung said "Me too!!" Jimin hugged Taehyung from behind as he said that "It's almost break time" Namjoon said and they went to the cafeteria. As they entered all girls are screaming it's a usual thing for them to be screamed at they just don't care at all.

"I'll go to buy food what do you want guys?" Hoseok asked "Anything is fine as long it is delicious" Yoongi said "I'll go with Hobi hyung!" Taehyung said "Okay come Tae!" the two of them left. Namjoon is looking around "Are you searching for Jin?" Jungkook asked "Yeah I thought he will be here" he said. "There he is, he entered just now" Yoongi hyung said and we looked to a group of boys one of them is Jin. "He has friends now that's a good start" Namjoon hyung smiled, Jungkook looked at Jin and he noticed something "He looks kinda pale and panting a little... I better say it to hyung "Namjoon hyung" Namjoon looked at Jungkook "Hmm?" "I think there's something wrong with Jin, he is a little pale" with that Namjoon looked at Jin again "We will ask him later, I think something happened" Hoseok along with Taehyung and Jimin came with the foods and palced it on the table.

-On the other side-

"Jin are you sure you're okay? You are a little bit pale" Hongbin asked "Uhm y-yeah just a bit tired of what happened" Jin said "You better go to a doctor I think you have panic attack" Ken said "Panic attack?" Hyuk asked "Well it's a disorder where you had a traumatic event or series of the past that's struck you and can't forget about it, its symptoms were having dizziness, headache and hard time to breathe just like what happened to Jin" Ken explained "Ohh.. as expected to the future director of the hospital" Ravi said "I see but I don't want my hyungs to worried about me" Jin looked down "Then how about we go secretly? Let's go to Ken's family hospital" Hakyeon said "What if they ask me if I go home late?" Jin asked "We won't take long and your hyungs knew me" Ken said, Jin just nodded "I will order what do you guys want to eat?" Leo asked.

They gave him their order Hongbin and Hakyeon goes with Leo, Jin just sighed.

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