0.02- seedlings and mini rant

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i've been able to plant some seeds out in jars and random containers now that the weather is getting warmer!

so far i've got a few of wildflowers going, an oregano sprout that's getting pretty big, some succulents, a couple mushroom patches, and some lemon balm, calendula, and lavender yet to sprout! being friends with the gardeners is helpful for getting their extra seeds. since you only need a few, usually they're happy to give you a couple once they've got it all going and succulent clippings once theirs are getting big.

hopefully i'll be able to get some anise and poppies going this fall! or chamomile but growing that inside is tricky.

in terms of magic, i'm currently in a bit of a block. i never was strong on the whole "knowing yourself" bit so i'm working on that so i can get farther on less energy. i'm really shitty with spells other than protective and more healing/change magic so i want to start learning more aggressive offense just in case. curses are always off limits. breaking them is a pain in the ass and i don't really want people to have to learn how. if we can live in a world where nobody has to cursebreak, that'd be amazing honestly. a quick jinx though? if you're an asshole big time,?will absolutely cast a minor jinx on you. those only last about two hours and it's nothing huge. also they're *super* simple to dispel.

the stars have been really pretty lately. they're always pretty though? just easier to see because there weren't as many clouds.

i want to hike now that it's getting warmer. hopefully i can, there's some cool forests out there. it's really fun. sometimes you come across blackberry brambles and those are always great to make little kids happy with. i don't mean like tossing them in them. i'm not being sarcastic. i mean like picking berries with them? i don't know. i'm rambling.

also the thing with Romina. i swear to the ends of the earth if i get my hands on the people who hurt her, i'll slap you straight cross your (probably ghastly) face. you just- you don't do that to people. why would anyone do that to her? everyone here's made mistakes goodness gracious. theres no point in bringing up mistakes again and again and again and then *blaming people for things they didn't do*. what happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? if you say "some spirits/god/goddess/whatever told me it's true", i sure hope you know how to actually contact them instead of it being your own damned imagination. too many things have happened because people didn't do their research on these things and *verify with multiple sources*. how did any of you pass the sixth grade if you don't do that? you've got to figure these things out. don't take shit at face value for fucks sake.

in general, i'm so disappointed in this community. what the hell are you guys doing? you don't do this to people. if you disagree, work it out c i v i l l y. it's not rocket science. it's not goddamn advanced calculus or old myths. it's being a decent person. sure, fighting is so much easier, but who ever said easy was the right way? easy is fucking bullshit. if something's easy for someone, they've got some areas where things are near impossible. off topic oops. work things out nicely. the word isn't a nice place to people, but what good does making it hell for others do? honestly, y'all never passed preschool with the conflict resolution skills you've got.

what if we stopped fighting? what if we agreed that we're equal and that nobody really knows jack shit for absolute certain and that we should *stop* asserting absolutes to everything?  what if we helped each other grow instead of burning each other up? sure, some plants need the fire to grow on, but they'll get the fire they need without you burning everything that doesn't need to be fucking burned.

alright i'm done.

hope y'all do something nice for another person today! i'm always here if anyone needs help, that's for certain.

april 28th, 2019

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