0.03: hate

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i hate you.
if you hurt me, and don't recognize it even though i've told and shown you.
i hate you.
if you played with me like a toy.
i hate you.
if i was only your second while the one who didn't try is your first.

i hate you.

dear miss [redacted],
i regret to inform you that i hate you. you played with me. you said you cared and were never there. i hope you rot slowly and burn in hell.

dear mister [redacted],
i love you so much but, you only care for miss [redacted] and decided i should rot in hell. of all of them, you're the only one who isn't fake. if you needed me, i'd come running.

but otherwise,
both of you,
for what you've done,
even if just for a moment,
i hate you. xoxoxo

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